71 reviews liked by SuperCanon

Cycles between being a stupidly fun 15 minutes shootout of pure dual wielding bliss that makes you think "This is so cool I wonder why people don't like this one as much" to watching an unskippable 2 minutes racist cutscene and remembering why.

Reviews of other games: The deckbuilder combat is certainly enthralling, but I'm not sure if it synergizes with the roguelike structure or if it's just a cheap and trendy cash-in, similar to yesteryear's Soulslikes...

Reviews of P3R: When I was fourteen years old I would lay in bed with my eyes open and ask for God to kill me. My brother left behind a beat-up PS2 after he went off to college where he would later die of an OD

lets be real.... cannibal cyberpunk hinduism is a BIT played out as a theme at this point don't you think???

This game is so peak that I decided to learn ROM hacking just to translate this game. You're welcome.

Every day I wake up and remind myself to outlive Keiji Inafune.

Fuck you Ubisoft and your shitty CEO for creating such a shit game which somehow took you 11 years to make. Especially fuck you again Yves Guillemot for calling this dumpster fire a "AAAA" game.

I can’t physically comprehend how people think this is as good as the fromsoftware souls games.

i got this on my birthday and i was playing it spending ages making my character and i scroll past the ugly buck teeth mouth option and my dad tells me that should be the one i pick
the darkness in my heart grew that day

Might actually be the greatest racing game of all time. A joyful fusion of JRPG and racing game. The customization aspect is incredible and it makes it so much fun to try and go through the game with all sorts of car types.

Soundtrack is just actually an absolute banger and listening to the music while driving around the towns never gets old.

The story is absolutely batshit insane and I love every second of it. It's absolutely ridiculous and played completely straight which makes it all very enjoyable.

An anagram of "Dragonslayer Ornstein" is "A Rosy Transgendered Lion." Possible lore implications.