A friend convinced me to get this game because he said it was reeeeeeeaaaaaaally fun.

...There is uh, definitely some fun to be had when playing with friends but....This game just ain't for me. To me it just felt like the worst part of mining in Minecraft, which is trying to get the minerals and materials you need while also trying not to get killed.

But in Minecraft I don't mine because I want to, I mine because I need to...And I think this game focuses just a liiittle bit too much on the doing tasks aspect, rather than the killing alien monsters aspect. Half the time I just felt like I was doing homework more so than actually having fun.

I know I am in the minority here, since most people praise this game to hell and back but...Yeah, it's just not my cup of tea.

But rock n' roll and kidney stones!! as these little bearded freaks say.

Fuck! I forgot I also played this one!

Uhm...Yeah I didn't get to finish it, but I want to! The game is pretty fun for what I got to play and it is more than just GTA but with cowboys....It also has horses!

I'm still not sure whether or not this game is better than Pikmin 3...So I will give it the same score.

- This game is the most beautiful Pikmin game no doubt
- It is the easiest and most accessible one
- At the same time, it has some of the hardest optional challenges in the whole franchise
- It finally includes all of the different Pikmin types and introduces some new ones
- There are night challenges
- Caves are back
- It lets you create your own custom character
- It allows you to play as Olimar
- And it has a dog...no....two dogs.....

I just don't like that they got rid of the co-op. Like, why would you that? THE DOG IS PLAYABLE AND HE IS RIGHT FUCKING THERE!!! WHAT IS THE POINT THEN?!!

I also don't like how much this game holds your hand at the beginning. It becomes really unbearable just how much they stop you just to tell you something you already knew; I get that not a lot of people have given the Pikmin games a try, but this game goes a bit too far at the start.

But you know what? Yeah, I think this one is better than 3 all things considered...But I'm not giving it 5 stars cuz it sure as hell ain't perfect.

Anyway, here is my subliminal not so subliminal message for this review:


I can see why people like this game so much, I like it too! It's a great GTA game with a revamped Liberty City and I guess a more somber tone than usual.

I just think it is a bit slow and it takes a bit for it to get really interesting. I also don't really like how cars control in this one, especially after coming from GTA V...But I got used to it at this point.

I can still see a lot of qualities that made their way to GTA V and hopefully return for 6. It's definitely a fun time and it still feels like a GTA game through and through.

I like Niko, but I still think GTA V is better.......But it is a better GTA III than GTA III, I'll give it that.

I thought we would be able to play as Allegra...

It's just an extra world to visit that supposedly takes place during the main game. It's still good, more Mario + Rabbids is always good in my book.

This review contains spoilers

I think everyone had really high expectations for this one, but in my opinion, this game is not nearly as good as the first game is.

I believe it all comes down to repetition and the execution. This is by all accounts Breath of the Wild but bigger, longer and uncut.

I wasn't doubting that I would be playing in the same map again, but somehow I was expecting to do something at least slightly different than unlocking every single shrine in Hyrule yet again. AND THEN SOME, because you also have to do that in the depths and the sky islands, so there is double the busy work.

Speaking of, I believe that both the depths and the sky islands were kind of disappointing, for different reasons. The sky islands were the selling point of the game and yet, there are barely any of them in the sky and they barely have any relevance in the game outside of the few that are required to progress the story.

Most of the islands in the sky will be tiny pieces of land, where really nothing interesting is going on and there isn't much to do in them, other than to find one or two chests and do a single puzzle to unlock a shrine.

There was this one time when I was exploring a set of floating islands completely covered inside an infinite thunderstorm; I think I wasn't even supposed to be up there without clearing the storm first, since I couldn't see shit, but this was one of the only times I actually felt like these islands were giving me an actual challenge. I ended up getting to the end of those islands and found the beginning of a side quest that would lead me to unlock Mineru's construct, all by complete accident.

The depths on the other hand, I feel like suffer from the opposite problem...And also the same problem. The depths are absolutely MASSIVE and I'm so glad they kept it as a secret instead of revealing them in the trailers....However, once you jump down one chasm, it feels like you have jumped down every single one.

Yes, the depths are big and dark and scary, but once the novelty wears off, you notice that there really isn't much to do down there other than....Find light roots. I just feel like this was such a wasted opportunity; there isn't anything all that scary down there and at most, I only remember seeing one type of new enemy down there...The rest were just gloomy re-skins of the same enemies you encounter on Hyrule...

Maybe they should've kept the weird monster hands exclusive to the depths, or the Ganon clone...And just MAKE NEW THREATS! The depths as they are just feel like Hyrule 2.0 but with the lights off and far less things to interact outside of a few Yiga Clan hideouts and some ancient mines. For the most part you are just going to be walking...or flying on your flying bike...or riding a Zonai car...all just to get to the next light root.

I still like these inclusions, don't get me wrong; this game sure has more content than BotW...But is it really all that worth it...? When it is this barebones, all it does for me is just make this game way longer than it needs to be and doesn't make me want to replay it the same way I replayed BotW.

I also don't know what the fuck people is on about, saying that the temples here are better than in BotW. I skipped almost the entire fire temple just by abusing my flying bike (Except for the boss, obviously), and the water temple is a complete fucking joke.

I simply preferred the divine beasts and how each one did require you to use their respective gimmicks to get past certain sections of the temple or solve certain puzzles in order to get to the terminals. Here, except for maybe the air temple, all of these feel half cooked...And the fire temple relies heavily on you not upgrading your Zonai battery beforehand so you can just cheese through the entire thing the way I did.

The story also sucks but you already know about that...Uhh...I will say tho, just to say something positive about this game that I love lol. The Zonai abilities are pretty cool (Even if they got rid of bomb jumps), the construction aspect really changes the whole game, the shrines are better than in BotW and the way you get to Ganon is absolutely perfect...And that final fight?

I'm sorry, but the final fight against Ganon is the coolest shit this franchise has ever done. When you are in the middle of fighting him and then he shows his second form...And the health bar EXTENDS ALL THE WAY TO THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE SCREEN?! Rawest shit, chills every time.

The dragon part of the fight sucks tho. Just to balance it out with some negativity lol, I know I haven't been negative enough in this review.

Overall, I still loved this game and unlocked the entire map in Hyrule, the sky islands and the depths. I just feel like this game could've been more and they got really close...The ideas were there, they just didn't quite get there.

I still recommend it if you haven't played it, and you probably will enjoy it more if you didn't already play Breath of the Wild.

If nothing else...At least play it for Purah, my god is she hot.

Nothing like playing Mario 64 for the millionth time with a bunch of friends who have no idea how the game even plays. It is not very replayable for that same reason, but it's still fun trying to "speedrun" it with friends.

A friend asked me to play Overwatch 2 with them, despite me telling them that I fucking despised the first game with all my soul.

I decided to give it a shot eventually and to my surprise, I found myself actually having some fun with it. Granted, whenever I play this, I tend to not get anywhere near the competitive mode, because I simply refuse to relive those days.

I do think gameplay wise, this game is an improvement over the shitshow that the first game had turned into. There is only 5 players per team and only one tank; this seems like a minor difference, but it actually makes matches a lot faster, easier and less prone to sitting behind two shields to shoot another five shields.

However, even tho I think this one is slightly better than the first game, I have to give it a single star, just because literally everything else about this game is a scam.

This game has no reason to exist. The whole point of this game, the PVE mode, was cancelled MONTHS before Blizzard even announced it publicly. There is no meaningful new content to justify a "sequel", the loot boxes are gone and instead replaced with another scummy and shitty battle pass.

The skins, emotes and new heroes that used to be FREE in the first game are now so expensive that you will have no other choice that to grind for hours and hours on end or spend insane amounts of money just to get ONE item (I know that new heroes are now free for everyone, but that happened only recently).

I honestly don't give a shit about any of this, because I already got most of the cosmetic items I wanted for most of the heroes from the first game. And it isn't like I am as invested in Overwatch as I once was, to grind for days and days just to get a shitty Mei skin.

Of course, this doesn't mean that what Blizzard did to this game and what it is doing to their customers is remotely ok. People should just wake up and stop spending money on this disgusting fucking crime of a game, but they won't.

Overall, I don't really hate this one, but I don't exactly like it all that much either. I do absolutely despise Activision/Blizzard and what companies like them are doing to this industry.

Fuck this game and I still wanna fuck D.VA.

I didn't get a chance to finish this game before the Game Pass expired, so all I know is that you unpack some shit, and then you unpack some more.

It's a chill game and a way to keep yourself entertained, but I still don't know what it is about it that everyone loves so much. I probably will replay it this year and actually unpack its secrets hah ahahha haha haha hh j


This game fucked me up and turned me into an abstract concept. My mother just does not understand what I have turned into and my pets live in fear.

This DLC is too loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong!!!

I only decided to give this game a shot because of Smash and because everyone and their grandma would not shut up about how good this game is. I'll say it again, I'm not a massive fan of RPGs (Even tho I have played a ton of them) or weeb shit, so I was expecting to like this one just fine and maybe drop it halfway through just for how long it is.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
I beat this game twice.

I liked this game so much that I ended up replaying it almost immediately after beating it for the first time...I- I just don't know what to say...

I had previously attempted to play a Persona game, with Persona 4, but I barely played that and to be fair, I barely knew any english back then, so I wasn't really paying attention to the plot or the dialogue...Which are very important in these games. However, once I started playing this one, it easily managed to grab my attention in no time; it started as simple curiosity to see how the story would unfold, but the more and more I played, the more this game grabbed me by the balls and would not let me get my eyes off the screen.

Plain and simply, I absolutely fell in love with these characters, just enough for me to look past the typical RPG tropes and tedious grinding that annoy me so much. But the fact of the matter is that this game doesn't even suffer from that all that much, since the life sim aspect really helps to balance the dungeon crawling parts of the game, as well as the combat being designed in a way that you can skip entire fights just by exploiting enemy weaknesses.

I mean, you can actually skip fights altogether after you hang out with Ryuji enough times; even when you can't, the way this game presents everything makes every fight at least visually astonishing to see. This game oozes with personality and an unique visual style that I have never seen in an RPG.

Oh and yeah, hanging out with your friends, going to school and just mess around actually has an impact on the RPG side of the game, which I love so much. Suddenly leveling up and getting stronger doesn't entirely revolve around fighting the same enemy hundreds of times until the game tells me I have leveled up...Nah, me and my team can get better just by seeing what Yusuke is up to today!

My only real complaint with this game, that I can think of right now, is the fact that your teammates can die as many times as they want during fights, but if Joker dies once it is an instant game over. This caused me to lose so many fights, some of them near the end, simply because Joker was taken down and my teammates apparently could not revive him the same way I revive them or they revive each other.

It is also so stupid and so annoying to spend like 30 minutes trying to beat a boss, only to lose and having to repeat the whole thing again, because Joker suddenly felt like not dodging the attack and died. You can control every party member here, but wether or not they dodge or land a hit is still random, which I do not like.

Other than that, I love the different palaces and how unique they are, I love the music, I love the artstyle, the villains are not subtle but they are so much fun, Akechi never fails to crack me up...There is just so many things I love and I want to say about this game...But I think I've said enough.

5 Personas outta 5. Will probably replay again some day.

Ryuji is best bro and Kawamommy is my whole life ❤️❤️❤️

I like my Metroid like I like my women. 3D and Remastered...


I was very excited for this game when it was announced. So much so, that I bought it twice on launch day, one copy for the Switch and another one for Steam.

I ended up beating the Steam version with a friend, but I played a fair amount of the Switch version....And I have thoughts.....

I like this game, but....I feel like this is kinda of a disappointment and a bit of a stepdown from the first game. It just feels like they took a lot of what made the first one work and either removed it, or doubled down on it so hard that they kinda ruined it.

The enemies feel a lot more annoying in this one, specifically the new colored enemies that hit harder and kill you faster. For some reason, those types of enemies were literally UNKILLABLE in the Switch version, and took like a million hits to take down...But then in the Steam version, this wasn't an issue...

Idk if I encountered a bug or what, since nobody else seemed to have experienced that, but it was really annoying and one of the reasons I didn't bother beating the game on the Switch. Another annoying thing between both versions, was the mediocre online mode, since even on the Steam version, trying to play this game online implied playing it with like -15 frame rate and intense lag.

Again, I don't know if these are things that others experienced, or if they patched these issues in later updates or whatever...But they made playing this game absolutely tedious.

Other than techincal issues, I think this game has too many collectables and side missions that it doesn't really need? Like, the first game had the hidden statues that you had to break in order to unlock the secret final boss, but that was it. Here, they want you to take pictures for Godai, or find cats on the street and take them to Mihoko, or tell you to go somewhere and talk to an NPC or get an item, only to have to backtrack like half of the stage multiple times.

Also, Kunio and Riki are in the cover, but they really have no place in the plot. Same thing with Hasebe and Mami, they only show up once in the whole game and I was hoping they would be playable in this one, cuz they were my favorite in the first game...But that's just nitpicking.

I don't hate this game, in fact, there is a lot of stuff I like about it. It feels bigger in scale, I love playing as Marian and Provie, I like that there are recorded voice lines for each playable character in the story and not just Kyoko and Misako; I still enjoy these characters and this game's sense of humor, the bosses are great and the combat still feels really good!

It's mostly the fact that I spent such a significant portion of time troubleshooting the game instead of actually playing it, or complaining about the online lag. It still is a really good game, it's just not better than the first one in my opinion, which was a letdown for me.

I want to replay it and give it another shot. Who knows? Maybe they did fix these issues...Or perhaps I am just a schizo and none of that actually happened.