This game has all the makings of the best crash game but I'm not gonna lie, going for 100% is about to push me over the edge

Im not justifying this because I can't.

The best game of all time limited only by being trapped on the 3ds. The music, the gameplay, the characters and the whole damn story are so good.

One of the most innovative and enjoyable difficulty systems in any game and this mixed with the weapon variety makes it so damn replayable. Not to mention how much fun the stupid multiplayer mode is. I would honestly give anything for a port of this game on modern systems. Please... Please.

Its a bad game. But its my bad game.

I honestly think this is the most slept on sonic soundtracks of all time. There legitimately is not a single bad song in this entire ost and I challenge anyone to dispute that.

I love the team mechanics because I love having all characters abilites all at once and I just love seeing these characters interact with each other which is sadly become so rare.

If you don't think this is the best Kart racer of all time then you haven't played it. It actually is just that simple. RIDICULOUS ROSTER. RIDICULOUS NUMBER OF TRACKS. Awesome single player, best side content of any kart racer and arguably any game. Its just so god damn rewarding man. Only gripes are the online is a bit stinky and god I wish it was on PC.

Name a better game called Batman Arkham City that released in 2011 Ill wait. Yeah thats right, you can't.

Probably my favourite story in any game ever its so good. This is the game that made me become a batman fan and I can't thank it enough for that. This world is so incredible to explore and you just don't get the feeling you get exploring it than you do in any other game.

So much side stuff to do so many characters to play as and even the DLC is pretty awesome. I love this game so much and I try to play it at least once a year.

Never thought they would make me not care about the end of the Aether storyline but they fucking did it.

5 Stars From David
3.5 Stars From Me

2 Stars From David
I have not played

4.5 Stars From David - "I like the Elephant in it"
4 Stars From Me

4 Stars From David
I have not played


3 Stars From David
I will play soon

3 Stars From David
I will never play this trash

4 Stars From David
I have not played