repeats itself a bit but has great atmosphere and excellent level design

the story is alright but it's unplayable

charming but it fell off and really doesn't have enough content (it's long cuz it repeats itself)

The brevity and uniqueness of each short story keeps them fresh and is the game's greatest strength. While the game's mechanics themselves never change, the way you engage with them does, which makes every story feel distinct. However, a thoughtless endgame drags it down quite a lot.

combat is fun, environments boring, everything else meh

i dont think the dream world is as good a secondary gameplay style as bowser was, but the game is still fun.

the story is really stupid, but in a charming way; also it has fawful. gameplay is a lot more manageable than in the last one. i also like the variety you get from being able to play as bowser

action commands are a little ridiculous in this game. the story is really stupid and not in a charming way.

chill vibes. excellent worldbuilding. fun gameplay although it's a little basic. story takes a while to pick up but about halfway through it becomes peak.

Expansive and complex story that's a joy to unravel, alongside my favorite battle system of any JRPG ever. Absolutely an underrated gem.

Best mario story bar none, but the gameplay is a little clunky. Platformers and RPGs don't really go together.

Builds upon the first game in every way imaginable. Less consistent, definitely. But absolutely more memorable.

take the word charm, make it a video game. simple and intuitive yet fun and full of character