452 Reviews liked by SushiLover665

First replay since release! Quite glad I could shake the bugs out of my distant memories of this game being somewhere near perfect. The ways in which it's weird and frictional definitely give it some character, though. Mirror's Edge's campaign kicks off with relatively simple flow-state platforming that eases you into the control scheme with clearly signposted goals that offer a degree of player freedom which made the journey from A-to-B feel like my own. 'Runner Vision' is still a neat little gimmick as an outright replacement for waypoints and such, acting as both a diegetic and stylised way to subtly suggest to the player little tricks that they could be doing to nudge them in the right direction. Surprised to learn that the game really shines whenever a train is nearby; intense little segments that feel so fast n lethal they shredded years off my life.

It doesn't take particularly long for the game's priorities to shift to something more akin to the jumping puzzles in like, Half Life 1 or something? Often throwing you into very dense obstacle courses or industrial interiors that demand a surprisingly great deal of spatial reasoning. With Runner Vision dialling down the closer to the finale the game gets, I found myself having to stop and survey the area for anything resembling surfaces I've come to know are scalable. On one hand, it's alarmingly rare for a Triple-A title to demand such a thing from a player - but It becomes fairly clear at some point that the game has more or less forgotten the thrill of scaling rooftops and communal areas in an unbroken sprint. A handful of areas feel downright lazy however, I don't demand that a game's world caters itself to the player's moveset, but it becomes fairly apparent that Faith loses her place at points - namely the ship and carpark shootouts which are neither visually interesting or engaging to navigate. Oftentimes you're thrown into a dense warehouse area filled with props and mezzanines that it becomes a game of finding the red door of progression.

All well and good, I don't really mind all of those temporary roadblocks much. I've even had quite a bit of fun looking up speedrun tech and going back through chapters just to absolutely crush them. The kickglitch makes you feel like you're in the fuckin Matrix or something. One of my biggest gripes is honestly that the game is absolutely gorgeo, but it really doesn't want you to appreciate it. Stand still and admire the view, the incredible lighting and texture work that wouldn't look out of place in the current-gen game roster, and a squad of armed feds will eventually come and pepper you down. You can't just put Nvidia PhysX Technology into your game and not let me fuck around with the curtains.

The best game I’ve ever played

Gwyn, a god, reduced to less then man. Gael, a man, leagues above the gods.

At first this game looks like it will be an all-time great, the biggest souls game of all time. All of the pieces are here for a masterpiece, the art direction, the gameplay loop, the lore, everything, but after playing Elden Ring it becomes clear this is all a facade, and the more you play, the more the cracks begin to reveal themselves.

First the open world design. This game takes a page from the BotW book and it lets the player free almost immediately to go wherever they want in the world, free to fight any boss, however it seems Elden Ring just took the appeal of BotW without putting in the effort. Enemies and bosses aren't properly scaled meaning that while you can go anywhere, in reality you'll basically be going the same way every playthrough with some variation.

The other problem with the open world is exploration and loot. Elden Ring has a lot of cool things to find and they always reward you in some way, however due to the sheer amount of playstyles and character paths, 80% of the time the reward found will be useless, what this does is make the player no longer want to explore themselves and just google how to find the loot they can actually use, in turn killing a lot of the enjoyment.

Finally, there is the boss design themselves, and there has been a noticeable nosedive in quality. Bosses in souls game used to be tough bu fair, you learn what they did and you strategize a plan to beat them, however, it seems Fromsoftware this design philosophy and decided that the series was only known for difficulty so the bosses have to be obscenely hard with sporadic and delayed movements. It seems after years of everyone calling the souls franchise the "hardest games of all time" the design philosophy of the games has gone through Flanderization. This new philosophy reaches its singularity in the last third of the game where the boss design is so horrendous it punishes anyone trying to play their own way and slaps the player in the face for not using magic; having your 100-hour run basically be slapped in the face and being told it was the wrong way to play the game is frankly terrible game design. The cherry on top of all this is how in the last third the game becomes horribly balanced, bosses like fire giant take 20 years to beat, malenia feels like scrapped Sekiro DLC, and the character you play as is slower than Dark Souls 3, leading the game to not be hard but fair, but absurdly hard and unfair, leading the whole experience to be unfun.

I do like Elden Ring, it has the makings of a masterpiece, but it fails in so many ways and is only really enjoyable for the first 2/3rds of your first play-through.

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Okay, this was a bit weird to give my full thoughts on. Despite my massive amounts of enjoyment for the game, it was hard for me to find a proper way to fully express my thoughts. Mainly due to just how massive this game is and having so much variety in its content, with each part having its own strengths and weaknesses. To make it easier on myself, I'm gonna separate this into each of the character's parts, along with the finale and miscellaneous thoughts I have about the game.

Kiryu's Story - Honestly, a very strong introduction to the game and what it has to offer. Kiryu's fighting feels like it was given a lot of rework from 3 and 4 which helps him become refreshing, Nagasugai is a great city to introduce the player in with locations being distinct from each other, and the story and the substories are great to witness. Probably the highlight would be the taxi and racing side story and just how fun it was to go through it all, especially the racing sections with its strong story, though the best part has to be how you can listen to Daytona USA's "Let's Go Away" while doing these races and makes them even better. The only real problem I have with this part is how one of the characters in this story was treated. For a character that was given priority on the front cover due to being a celebrity likeness over characters like Majima, Park (which I'll get to later), and Daigo, Mayumi doesn't do much. I thought she was going to be this game's equivalent to Yasuko from 4 and her being a driving force in bringing all the characters together, but no. She's mainly there just to check up on Kiryu to make sure he doesn't get hurt and eventually ends up becoming yet another love interest for Kiryu despite not him not expressing any romantic interest. I get that she is a celebrity likeness, but it just seems so odd that despite her very small role she still manages to be on the front cover. Thankfully, she isn't the worst character this game offers, just wasted potential if anything.

Saejima's Story - I heard a few people say this is the weakest/most boring part of the game, but I honestly have to disagree with that. I ended up really enjoying the prison section of his story, especially when compared to Yakuza 4, and I thought the hunting stuff was interesting and very refreshing. I ended up completing the hunting side story before tackling the rest of the story because I was just that invested in it. Tsukimino, while having a really nice aesthetic, felt a bit cramped to travel in due to how many parts you are not allowed to travel in, though there was still a lot to due and the story was still strong in this part.

Haruka/Akiyama's story - This was the part of the game I was most conflicted. On one hand, I did enjoy the dancing/idol sections Haruka did, and was a nice refresher from all of the fighting, and it did give a good look at just how difficult working as an Idol can be. On the other hand, this section lasted simply too long and this story introduces what is possibly one of my least favorite characters in the series, Mirei Park. While I do like the idea of a character who was affected by the difficulties of working as an Idol in a negative way and wants a shot at redemption through somebody else, the execution of it was simply terrible and is just another showcase of how RGG writers sometimes not knowing how to write women. Firstly, the first scene with her gave a pretty horrible first impression as to what she is like, with her gaslighting and manipulating Kiryu into giving Haruka to her and leaving the orphanage, over a dream which the game never really bothered explaining if Haruka wanted until the ending. Secondly, despite attempts at trying to show Park in a more positive light, that first impression of her has constantly made me question whether any of it was genuine, especially between moments with her and Haruka since I felt like she was trying to win her over by treating her to nice things and forgetting about Kiryu rather than being a properly supporting figure. Finally, the characters saying that Park was a wonderful and hardworking person after her abrupt death honestly felt really lazy and forced. It feels like the writers didn't have a proper way of showing Parks more positive traits so they just took the easy route and just have characters treat like Park was in the right and Haruka should follow her dream. Which like, hello????? Didn't the game ALREADY forget that she manipulated Kiryu into handing over someone she didn't know for long and only did it since it kind of reminded of herself when she was younger???? What am I supposed to feel towards her? Again, I feel like a rewrite of her character would have improved her significantly, but as it sounds, I ended up disliking her a lot and was frustrated at how the game poorly treated what could have been her more positive traits. On a more positive note, I did enjoy Akiyama's portion of the story, and was still fun to play as, though the like of a proper side story (Unless the club stuff at the end of the game counts which feels like post-game content more than anything) does greatly impact my enjoyment of him compared to all the other characters.

Shinada - I was worried that I was going to dislike this part of the game, especially given how I already missed playing as Tanimura from the last game, but I was gladfully proven wrong. I ended up enjoying the baseball drama-esque story and how it ties into the main story. I really ended up liking Shinada as a character and enjoyed both his serious and silly moments. His batting center side story I ended up enjoying a lot and ended up completing just to see how it all unfolds despite most of it being completely optional. I thought his fighting style was very unique and enjoyable, especially with being able to use the various durable weapons he gets. Overall, I ended up really enjoying this section and was a strong highlight of the game. The only real complaint I have if anything was that I thought Kineicho was a bit too similar to Tsukihimo minus some new areas and a different aesthetic, but I still enjoyed exploring it.

Finale - I was surprised by just how quickly the first four chapters ended up being, though I still got some enjoyment and it was nice to finally explore Kamurocho again after being absent for most of the game outside of the beginning of Saejima's story. The real highlight was definitely the final part where it had easily had some of the best story and gameplay moments in the game and the final boss between Kiryu and Aizawa ended up being my favorite final boss in the whole series (so far). I wasn't sure how to feel about Haruka's final speech and revealing to thousands of people how Kiryu is her uncle, though I think I'll get a more proper opinion on it whenever I get to Yakuza 6.

Miscellaneous thoughts
- I thought the side quests involving the chef guy Tatsuya were pretty neat, though I'm not sure how I feel about the boosts you get from eating food since it pretty much turns a game from a series known for being fairly easy into a bit of a cakewalk. In fact, it was the first time in a while that I didn't die a single time throughout the entire time I was playing. I'm sure if I was playing on a higher difficulty these boosts would have more benefit, but with how I played it, it just made things a bit too easy.

- I know everyone who played this game has said but JESUS CHRIST why are the enemy encounters so persistent? It feels like half of the population of Japan is trying to kill you and it makes it really hard to enjoy exploring through these cities since I was making sure I didn't run into enemies. This ended up making me enjoy Haruka's section more since it was the only time I could enjoy exploring these cities in peace, but I wish the other characters would get something similar, even something like the money-throwing move from 0 would have been really nice to have despite that game coming later.

- Graphically the game is very much a step up from the last few games. The models look more detailed and realistic for PS3 standards and the animations are a lot less stiff and have more weight to them. Of course future games that were released for the PS3 like 0 and Kiwami improve things even further, but there's definitely a noticeable improvement in graphics.

- The soundtrack is also really damn good. Looking past how this game gave the series' most iconic song, Baka Mitai, the entire soundtrack was really enjoyable to listen to and there wasn't one I felt was bad. In my playthrough specifically, I actually was playing a mod that uncensors and restores a lot of the songs present in the Japanese version, meaning I got to listen to songs not present or replaced in the international release. The real highlight of this has got to be the song that plays during the fight between Shinada and Daigo (Which is a licensed song called "Wild Romance" by Kyosuke Himuro) that helped make an already great boss fight even better.

- Despite some noticeable pacing issues in some parts in the game (Mainly from Haruka's chapter and most of the finale), I thought the game managed to keep me pretty engaged. There wasn't a moment where I was bored and there was plenty of variety in various parts of the game to make sure things weren't still. The long runtime of the game does make me miss how shorter earlier games in this series went, but this isn't the worst I have seen.

Overall, despite some minor to somewhat concerning issues I have with the game, the sheer size of the game, the variety of things you can do, and my overall enjoyment of the game easily make this one of my favorites in the series. It manages to improve upon many of the issues I have with Yakuza 4 while still managing to be really refreshing, bringing in plenty of new ideas for the series, and overall just being a good ass game. It is not my all-time favorite in the series, and there are many things I would like to see improved, but I am glad I finally got around to playing it.

I never walked, I just played it in the car lol

I have no clue if this is still the last bastion of our culture war or if it’s too woke now so I’m giving it a 5/10 to average those two possibilities out

Royal edition doesn't really change how I feel about ffxv as a whole, I still love whats there, but the DLCs and other features this version has does quite a bit to alleviate a lot of the flaws I had with the original, but nowhere close to all of them.

This game fucks. A game that welcomes cinematic qualities while still embracing the fact it's a video game. Yakuza 0 features some of the best side quests I have ever played on top of an already very solid main storyline, topped off with very fun combat.

Pretty deeply mystical adventure/exploration game.
Dare I say it's somewhat minimalist - it doesn't rely on a huge map, an extreme amount of characters, or even being a very long game. It does however, have multiple endings and quite a few secrets.
It's low-poly PS1 style managed to be just the right niche for me, and I imagine many others. It has a very charming graphical style, which while trying to mimic the PS1 look, ends up giving it a unique sheen all of it's own.
Not unlike many adventure games, it has plenty of "how the heck was I supposed to know how to do that?" moments.
Ultimately though, it's a very deeply meditative and somber game. Despite some cute character designs, it's far from light. The ultimate tone it produces is one of serenity and acceptance, however.

A massive rollercoaster of a game that takes both climbs and falls in quality repeatedly. Overall though this game is too big for its own good and its best parts are found in the smaller less connected bits compared to the story at large. Since each part of this game is big enough to justify being its own smaller title I would rate each of them like so:
Part 1: 4.5/5
Part 2: 2/5
Part 3: 3/5
Part 4: 5/5
Part 5: 3/5

I would have given this an extra half star if they played the version of For Faith with unintelligible lyrics for the final boss theme.

if Automata is a well-made steak with veggies and potatoes Replicant is the sick and starving rats homeless people eat for dinner