Co-op Metroid Prime. It's not perfect by any means, but there really is nothing else like it out there

This game is TOO big. But the story is incredible and the combat is so engaging

Translating the Zelda franchise to open world is no easy task, and yet they hit it with a home run on the first try. If the dungeons were better, this would be a 5.

This game is just better BoTW. It's a shame the map is reused, but it's changed just enough to make it feel fresh again. The dungeons are also better than it's predecessor, but that isn't saying much when those sucked.

A lot of people hate on this game, but it's a ton of fun. Easy? yes. However, you can turn on settings to make it harder (cough get rid of Disney rides cough). The combat is pretty floaty and it's a shame that Final Fantasy characters are missing.

Kingdom Hearts 2 is the absolute PEAK of the series. The combat is so fluid and has so much depth it's crazy. Music peak, graphics peak, story peak.

Kingdom Hearts 1 is incredible. This game hits me so hard with nostalgia and also reminds me of the time I played 9 hours without saving and than had a power outage. While it is pretty dated now, the combat is still enjoyable and it's hard to go wrong with such a campy game

This is the first RPG where I felt compelled to every single side quest and monster hunt. Final Fantasy 16 has a gorgeous world and soundtrack that doesn't overstay its welcome. The story gripped me the whole way through and even brought me to tears at some points. However, the sidequests for the most part feel like they came out of an MMORPG and that is not a good thing.

Sonics first entry into the 3D space was a messy one, but it has this charm to it that I can't help but smile at whenever I play it. Big The Cat sucks

Based on my nostalgia, this is a 5/5 game. In the real world, it's probably closer to a 3.5, but the chao garden and City Escape nudge it up to a 4 for me. Sega plz make SA3.

The birth of the Metroidvania genre. Fantastic music, peak atmosphere, and gameplay that will keep you coming back for years to come. I honestly replay this game every year and never get tired of it.