Great Soundtrack, Great Gameplay and Great Story (maybe except Okumura Arc itself which does huasdhuasdhuasduh)

This game is such a mess. The fact you could crash everywhere is funny and bad at the same time. I don´t know what to say... Im shocked but how many times bus ruined my race and i had to restart the whole thing. 12 minutes I love it damn. The cars are kinda different and Sedan must be one of the worst cars I ever driven it´s slow, slippery and it turns like butter IT´S LITERALLY WHAT MY WORST ENEMY SHOULD DRIVE. the last race is way too long this isnt burnout at all this is more like need for speed in a different manner. IDK? Oh and i forgot to about how AI is unpredictable in a bad manner like either you are bonked or either they bonk themselves.

Final Score 40/100 - D Tier Game. I do not recommend.

Quick Introduction:
Yakuza 3 Remastered belongs to a collection of the Yakuza Remastered Collection which did release in 2020 for the PlayStation 4 and 2021 for the PC. Chronologically this is the fourth game after Yakuza 0, 1/K1, 2/K2, (3)

The game goes by 2008-2009 on the cities of Kamurocho and Downtown Ryukyu where we continue the journey of Kazuma Kiryu and Haruka as well. We have several new families as well some returning ones from the Tojo Clan (TC). In my opinion I think the plot has some potential but it lacked quite a bit because:

Firstly, the game focus randomly on Morning Glory Orphanage which it has a decent idea the execution could be better and even after doing all the substories you might feel the same it doesn´t make sense. I could remember only 1 Substory where I was rewarded and not like do this or do that for a lot of time.

Second and lastly, Chapter 9 just why you need to make a huge cutscene telling us the plot? Black Monday? CIA? You could use the time on Ch 5-8 to develop that or make a better foreshadow. It´s just 30 mins of your life yeah nice thanks.


I can´t compare this gameplay to the Yakuza 2 PS2 version since I never played it but for someone who comes from Kiwami 2 and plays Yakuza 3 right along it makes a huge difference. You will have to adapt yourself because the game expects you to use a lot of dodges, counters and attack from the back and it´s not fun for the most part. If you play on legend I wish you good luck because you will need it. There is a reason why this game is called Blockuza because enemies block and block and block a lot and you have 0 guard breaker so yeah either you fight until boredom or adapt yourself.

Side Content:

There is not much I can talk about it but Hitman system was fine yes I would say good except the Arase fight which will curse my nightmares with that Shinzaki dodging like stamina infinite lol. It rewards you very well and it will help you for the objectives itself.

Coliseum was fine as well it gives decent rewards for what you can expect but the game could actually tell you what are the requirements for unlocking the next one because the game itself it never tells for some reason.

Substories mostly are forgettable the only one who comes into the mind is a random woman asking you in a certain street and the most hilarious stuff happened like a girl almost falling or a pervert climbing the building but the rest yeah I will forget.


As for minigames the usual minigames comeback such as Mahjong, Shogi, Poker, Blackjack, Roulette, Koi-Koi, Oicho-Kabu, Ceelo, Cho-Han.
Mahjong is probably the one you will have the most trouble since it requires you to win with over 50k sticks difference which means you start with 25k and by the end of the round you need to end with 75k and win a lot of games but with a lot of try and error you can do it.

Hostesses It was way too fun and unnecessary. That system is just not fun. And then you create 5 hostsses for almost a 1M JPY and it´s repetitive. If they pushed a lot more for the player it would be better but hey I guess.


This is where some parts of the Completion List and Achievements list enter.

There are 50 Achievements on Steam and 632 entries on that Completion List.

On the Completion List you need to
- Conquer 10 Hostesses
- Unlock 100 Coin Lockers (50 – Kamurocho | 50 – Downtown Ryukyu)
- Eat atleast 259 different foods (remind you that you can only eat once and not like several foods each time so yeah don´t grind it already)
- Do 88 Heat Actions (nothing too fancy just follow a guide and you will be fine. The Shotgun heat action might give you a lot of trouble but one day you will get it)
- Face 70 Different Entries on Coliseum
- Modify 76 Weapons/Gears on Kamiyana Works
- Find 10 Revelations (They are super good for the game just get them)
- Finish 19 Minigames and their requirements (Trial and error and if you need help use cheat items it will help you a lot)

As for the Steam Achievements I will only list the very hard ones otherwise I will make a review of 50 pages lol.

Ultimate Challenger: You need to play all Ultimate Matches and there are some really nasty such as Ultimate Match 5 where you face all bosses plus Komaki and Komaki is a hell without weapons but if you are patient you can do it.

Master Environmentalist: This is straight boring just watch a video and do this during the game. There is no way someone found this fun and interactive.

Break Ace: you need RNG on this one. Keep trying.

Overall: 6/10 | C Tier

I would give this game 4.5 if wasn´t for the brutal grinding because I had to craft every single weapon on this game and seal... WTF?

This game is so cringe and boring at some instances. The After Party don´t get me starting WHY A BOARD GAME AT END GAME? Last Mission was fine but again oh well. 100% wise it was the most 50/50 ever EITHER TOO LONG or too short. when it was long it was boring and repetitive. When short it wasn´t too bad. There were a few I liked it but i can´t remember the game. Now it comes the tip of the cherry. THE GAME WANTED 8M€ FOR THE LAST SHIT BUILDING AND WHAT I RECEIVE? A FUCKING CRINGE KARAOKE CUTSCENE AND GAME ABSOLUTY KILL ITSELF BECAUSE CUTSCENS RIP AND THE GAME SOFTLOCKED. NICE ONE WHO PAY 60€ FOR THIS CONGRATS YOU GUYS ARE SOMETHING. WHEN I PAY 60€ FOR RGG IT´S GOLD. WHEN YOU PAY 60€ FOR THIS IT´S NOT EVEN WORTH 1€. What so ever. they tried with the plot with the most serious moments but the cringe ones killed it all. Soundtrack is mid at best. and yeah kinda outdated in some aspects but I had fun in few moments. Don´t play it anyways. I rather buy a rope than play this ever again. Oh I prefer DMC2 over this and DMC2 is garbage as well compared to the franchise. BUT THIS MADES LOOK SR4 AS A MASTERPIECE.

masterclass of a game. i don´t need to say more.

Really super fun game. We missed a really GOOD Crash game since Warped orr even Twinsanity. My complains are mostly 100% part and that´s probably im not giving 4.5 stars. The Masks are way too fun to play. A level that does well that is Cortex Castle lmao. Soundtrack wise really good.

What can turn off people about this game? 100% for sure. The game has some high requirements compared to Crash 1-3 NST. You need to beat every level without dying once, Platinum Relic in each level and Platium Medal for Flashback Tapes and that´s not even considering the N Verted Gems that requires to replay the levels. I feel like N verted was wasted and they could have made the levels differently.

A huge upgrade over Blind Forest by a lot of things. New Mechanics, Level design is more fun. I loved the idea of a village being built and giving you rewards in the end. If you like Crash go for this no regrets. I was thinking on giving 4 Stars but the finale let me gave the 4.5 stars.

WHAT A plot there is. But the stealth mechanic sucks ass. it sucks a lot. it would be a 90/95 most likely. oh shit. The Mole was too predictable too but anyways

plot is fine could do betterr. gameplay can be infuriting and repititve and oh well. not bad but not grreat either.

great platformer plot doesn´t matter but gameplay wise it´s good tbh. atmosphere and music it´s also really good.

I liked the game but there are several points where yeah. This is a lame remaster with "definitive edition" and it should had the treatment that the first game went for. Vito deserved so much better. The plot itself where it ends it doesn´t seem to end the game. I prefer the style of the first one but the second is fine. Vito/Joe are really cool. But... some plot points were wtf specially the Henry one... 0 foreshadow or atleast mininum to no existent. Gameplay wise for what i went with the controller mehhhhhh it lacks auto aim or really great aim assist. and you lose health/misions for the most idiotic reasons possible. it piss me off sometimes. If you should give a try? Probably. Let´s see what the third game says for this.

Great game, great plot and characters that started a franchise in a solid way. I think gameplay wise I don´t see any major issues apart from forced stealth sometimes and lack of ammo sometimes (i had one mission which i didn´t have ammo and i needed to go all in lmao). But I can still recommend it seriously. No brainer. Tommy Angelo is so good come on.

Coming from DMC3 I felt the combat was a lot better and fun as well. But boss wise and plot wise I felt a downgrade from that not much but enough to make me drop from 4 to 3.5. and also nice boss design from final boss KEKW