I would consider this to be the definitive Mario Kart experience. While a game like MK8DX has incredible graphics and many characters, karts and tracks to play on, I feel like it misses on probably my favourite aspect of the series as a whole: stupid dumb fun. Mario Kart Wii holds no prisoners, this game is fucked up stupidly unfair. The item balance in this game makes no sense whatsoever, you could get a star at third place meanwhile the guy in last just got a banana peel. I love it. I think its a great addition to the gameplay as it adds to that competitive atmosphere when playing with friends, the dread that at any moment any one of you will get some bullshit item and screw everybody over. Other than that, the game knows how much is enough with it’s main content. While I love having a massive roster of characters in a game (my favourite game ever is smash ultimate ffs) I feel like MKWii has the perfect amount of playable characters, striking that good balance of mainstays in the series and newcomers. The track selection in this on the other hand is a bit more of a mixed bag. The original courses in this game are some of my favourites of the entire series being so much more creative than any else we had seen in the series at that point. My main issues with this game is the retro courses and how you would be able to instantly guess that these are old tracks from their presentation. They’re not bad by any means, I think the selection is good for the most part but visually they’re not on par with the visuals of the new tracks. Overall this is my favourite Mario Kart game of all time and I doubt anything will top it for me.

Fun collection of levels from Sonic's past. The story here is really more just an excuse for things to make some sort of sense. My only gripes with the game are some level choices like Planet Wisp and the very lacklustre final boss.

A fun co-op shooter. It can be very chaotic and challenging but getting to the end of a campaign feels very satisfying to do. The characters are very likeable and bounce off of each other very well. The different zombie types add more variation to the usual hordes of enemies. Different guns and melee weapons are fun to experiment with. My only real complaint is that campaigns can be a bit long which isn't ideal as you want the people playing with you to stay engaged and not get bored.

One of the most fun and creative Mario games. It's such a shame that after this the only mainline 2D Mario platformers we would get is the generic NSMB games. You can tell that Nintendo really wanted to experiment with new ideas and with this being on the more powerful SNES, they were able to execute those ideas near perfectly. The sprite work might be some of my favourite in a Nintendo game, all the designs are simple yet charming and colorful. The levels are very creative with their themes, first you going through your usual green plains, then your running across a bridge, jumping on Cheep Cheeps that leap out at you, then your going in an underground cave with giant Monty Moles that you can use to traverse the level, then your exploring a haunted mansion trying to find the exit and it just gets more and more creative as the game goes on. The music is some of the most iconic and best in the series, ever song is catchy in its own special way. It is easily my favourite 2D Mario game and probably one of my top 3 platformers of all time.

It's a great 2D Mario game and it's an actual miracle that they got it running on the NES of all things but I personally don't see how people could consider this to be the best 2D Mario game or even the best Mario game period. The idea and theme of the whole game being this show with the platforms being part of the set is really cool and creative. Levels are your typically Mario game levels but I feel like most of the levels don't take advantage of the game's gimmicks and power-ups like Super Mario World or even some of the NSMB games. The boss fights are pretty lacklustre and repetitive with only minor variations between the bosses. The artstyle I would consider to be the best out of the four NES Mario platformers, having more detail than the previous two but still keeping the simple charm of the designs. Overall it's a very good platformer with a lot of fun and creative ideas but I wouldn't say it's the very best in it's series.

This was my first ever introduction to Smash and a lot of Nintendo's lesser known franchises. This game really got me into Nintendo as a company, I started watching videos on game franchises I had barely heard about just to learn more about the company's history.
The game itself is pretty good. It's no where near my favourite Smash game, that would probably have to go to Ultimate and Melee but it's still a good time. It felt like Nintendo learned what they did wrong with trying to appeal to the casual audience in Brawl and fixed it in this game. I would consider this game to be the most accessible Smash game. I remember playing this with friends and families that had never really played a game before but caught on to the controls really easily. The roster this time is pretty ok. It's what you would expect from hearing the phrase "Nintendo Fighting Game", some popular characters alongside some more obscure ones. Overall, its a good game and I enjoyed my time with it.

The game glitched during the Opila Bird chase and I got soft-locked into a corner because she wouldn't kill me.
It's a fine fan remake by a youtuber I've been watching for a while now. As a first attempt at making a game it's pretty good. There are some optimisation issues but I don't know if that had to do with my end. Gameplay is similar to your typical modern mascot horror game. You explore areas and solve puzzles. I really like the redesigns of the characters, especially Opila Bird. They look like actual threats in this game where as in the original they just seemed like goofy mascot costumes that could move. Overall, it's a solid attempt and I'm excited for Mason's next project, Indigo Park.

For what it's worth its a decent collection of ports of subpar mobile games and in the modern day it is the only way to play some of these games. Presentation wise, the games look very accurate to the original mobile games but the UI feels really cheap and slapped together. The gameplay itself isn't anything to really write home about. Overall it's a fine collection but not really worth getting.

Fun basic platformer. Feels like they took elements of the NSMB games and implemented them into a 3D platformer.

Probably the only mario kart game I would consider to be genuinely bad. Slippery controls, unfair coin system and the odd addition of a lives system just makes this game frustrating and not fun to play. Track design is boring with there only being a few highlights like Sunset Wilds, Ribbon Road and Lakeside Park. Overall, not an enjoyable kart racer which is disappointing considering how high quality other mario kart titles are.

Its a fine collection and a good way to play these games but the collection itself just lacks charm. As a celebration of Mario's 3D past, it's very lacking and feels rushed. All you get is the games and the soundtracks. No game manuals, no gallery, not even a fun unique main menu. Overall its a fine but underwhelming collection.

Very fun and can be a decent replacement for smash if you can't play it on certain consoles.
Though there are a few problems like animations and lack of single player content but makes up for it with fun gameplay
I'd recommend this if you are a fan of fighting games or cartoons

Pretty fun with a fair bit of content.
Only real complaint is the need for more than 3 challenges and more items and events to make runs more interesting.

While short, its pretty fun. It's kind of like if the Gremlins had a licensed shooter game.

A really good RPG. One of the most impressive licensed games I've ever played