I found it under my bed when I was 12 so I guess I had this.

I had an obvious crush on Casey Lynch and I still thought I was straight

When I was 12 a runescape bf named "Arm0677" if you're out there, plz contact so I can properly break up with you
sincerely, Lucina302

The Chuckie Chan level traumatized me thanks

I have anxiety I couldn't play this

Basically just played this so I could get Rosalina in Mario Kart.

This is one of my favorite childhood games and I would die for Baby Luigi!

I rented this from blockbuster once. It was fun for 5 minutes.

I quite literally broke this game on my pc with too many mods and over 300 sims around the world that I switched back and forth between. It would take around 2 hours to load all my content and would crash after an hour. Master controller stole my insanity and any kind of structure I had. I became a villain. This is my origin story (no pun intended)

it had a "z" instead of an "s" in its title so it was cool.

Would you believe me if I told you this game had a solid 2/5 plot and you fought a wizard at the end?