There's a section that reminds me of the Ballista from DS3 in Smoldering Lake, and I feel they misunderstand why this worked so well in DS3. In DS3, no matter where you were, if you were on the lake part of the map, the Ballista would fire. It would fire in normal intervals and even through obstacles, constantly keeping you on your toes and forcing you to consistently dodge. In Another Crab's Treasure, they reinvent this by instead having it so that it's on a timer of one arrow with it slowly counting down the more it sees you. This stops you from materializing a rhythm and time frame required to roll and dodge. Once you get up to this hill, you then have to fight an enemy that has an attack that has literally 0 telegraphing at all, while dealing with a crab that can basically one shot you with a single attack that is insanely hard to dodge because of said time frame. The reward for getting to the Ballista in DS3 was the freedom to wander Smoldering Lake and explore without constant pressure, leading to more open exploration. Not a silly, poorly constructed mini boss fight. This encompasses what is wholly wrong with this game. They either take horrible aspects of the Dark Souls game and completely fundamentally integrate them into their game, or they take the interesting and challenging parts of Dark Souls and butcher them completely.

While I love this indie studio for trying, and I love how unique this concept, world, and subtext is, I can't get past this complete dissonance between what a Souls game should be. The constant bumpy gameplay ruins this road for me, and while I'm glad this game got attention as I love indie studios getting love, I don't think it's good. At all.

Severely disappointed. 1.3/5

Silent Hill 2, as a game released in 2001, stands the test of time as the best psychological horror in gaming, if not, all of fiction and media. James, Angela, and Eddie's depictions of their own separate ways of coping with their mental illness, along with the masterful art direction of Masahiro Ito, the symbolism, ambience, and emotion poured into this game leaves any player ragged and rough by the end. A narrative masterpiece, a tearjerker, and most importantly, one of the greatest games of all time.

Final Rating: 4.9/5

While having a very relatable and lovely little story, this game suffers from a lack of nuance with gameplay mechanics. Secrets are hard to find, hitboxes can suck, and while the level design is a majority of the time great and very fun, there are some levels that play out in a clunky manner and are sequenced poorly.

Final Rating: 3.6/5


Final Rating: 5/5

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Played it with a good friend of mine, and to be honest, it was great. While the game obviously doesn't have a super nuanced level of writing specifically in the prison section, the gunplay and driving is honestly great in a game where it isn't the pivotal aspect, and the cinematography is great. The complaint that this game isn't fun if you play it with the wrong person is a complete non factor, but it's a point that makes me realize, Vincent really isn't easy to side with in this game. It's a lot harder to kill the man with a wife and kids forced into crime instead of the guy who's in it just because of personal ties to his brother that wasn't even necessarily your fault. It affects who plays who on a second playthrough and removes the complexity of the twist to an extent. Eh, great game.

Final Rating: 4.2/5

Detroit: Become Human is what happens when you take some of the greatest and most emotional character writing ever seen in decision based video games and then give it to an absolute buffoon with no self awareness...I love this game. A lot.

This game has the ability to kill you, bring you back to life, and then retroactively kill you when you think about it later. This game made me feel immense amounts of empathy for dead characters who don't exist, and despite the fact it has the most basic gameplay of all time, I feel this is a game that everyone should play. This game made me happy, sad, angry, and confused, and did exactly what it sought out to do.

I can't say anything about Minecraft that I feel isn't something that someone has played this game hasn't heard before. It's Minecraft. This is the best sandbox game of all time.

Final Rating: 5/5

Not much to say. Prolly just not for me.

An incredibly charming and beautiful game that will undoubtedly stand the test of time, that unfortunately has some mediocre designs from a gameplay perspective. This game is not much of a game, and rather a narrative experience, and a testament to the fact that people still like stories in video games, and that we won't just eat up any AAA slop handed out to us.

Final Rating: 4.15/5 (pls RDR2 fans don't punish me with the God awful fishing mini game please)

Never even played it I just know it sucks. 0/5

While I haven't played it for some time, I don't think I need to. While charming and somewhat funny, it's a scratch game that's notorious for bad hitboxes and raging. Game bad. Game not good.

Final Rating: 0.5/5

Mind Control Delete is a pretty fun and interesting addition to the Superhot franchise, and is not only satisfying but done with a fairly interesting concept. That being said, playing this game for more than an hour at a time sucks, especially with the same levels and constant repetition aside from new enemy types. If you're going to make a level based progression system, the game shouldn't have the same levels for 8 worlds. It's like if you shuffled between levels from World 1 in Super Mario Bros. for 8 worlds, it's not a smart idea at all.

Final Rating: 3.2/5

Townscaper is a game that does what it's meant to do pretty well with nothing more and nothing less. And with how I review and rate games, that's not at all a bad thing, and it hits the mark on the head perfectly.

Final Rating: 3.5/5