Truly an underrated gem. While the junction system and leveling definitely wasn't thought through enough before implementing, the characters and story are amazing

Not as bad as I expected but I did play it with a friend and I can't imagine playing this solo

The best 3d platformer I have and will ever play

Despite the bugs, the blue coins, and booting you out of the level every shine, it has one of the best settings of the 3d marios and some of the most fluid movement in any platformer with an incredibly high skill ceiling

An objectively pretty bad rpg but I still get addicted to its looting and shooting

One of, if not the best jrpg I've ever played

Stop updating this and come out with mariokart 9, I've been playing this shit since it launched

a lot more personality than the remake

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"Would you kindly"

An enjoyable rpg with likeable characters, a somewhat convoluted story, an extremely memorable villain, and sadly extremely outdated graphics.