An improvement over the previous game, but still has all the problems the first game had, and then some.

Luigi doesn't deserve this. What happened here. This is even worse than New Super Mario Bros U. Did you ever play that game and wondered "man I wish levels ended super quickly and the controls were slippery and atrocious to play with" well congratulations, you got this game. Don't get me wrong, I understand the whole point was this central gimmick and Luigi more closely controls to his Mario 2 counterpart, but that doesn't make this experience any less tiresome. I've completed every single NSMB game to this point and call it burnout but this one did NOTHING for me. It's the same world map, the same uninspired visuals, the level design is different but it doesn't make it good. I did like how there's a hidden Luigi in every level but that was kind of it. I don't know why people actually like this one but to each their own. If you want to play this pick up the Switch port of NSMBU and you'll have it available from the get-go.

I think this is one of the most fun 3D platforming characters i've ever had the pleasure of controlling.
Penny is just momentum the game, and everything she does strings together in this kind of flow state where you just want to speed through the level. I will say though this is not a perfect game, the bosses are annoying and the overall story is just not really interesting nor the characters for that matter.
What this game excels at most is gameplay, visuals, and music. Which in all honesty is all you need.

How the hell does Mcpig keep making peak, the Noise is such a creature to control at first, but once you finally start getting the hang of him, it's so hard to go back to Peppino due to how fun this guy is to control. He doesn't excel at Peppino in all things but I think that he's different enough to warrant going through the best game of 2023 10x more.

This game kinda has like Zelda 2 syndrome where it does things differently from the first game but idk I kind of like it? It's strange, but I think this game is not that bad on the surface, it's pretty grind heavy at the start but literally once you get to where you need to go it's all pretty simple from there. ...oh, with a guide of course, good luck trying to do this shit without it.

Its fun until you get to the last section where this game suddenly wants to become the hardest unforgiving game in the series, and that's saying something since its a spinoff.
Otherwise its a cute lil game, not much to write home about.

As a fan of the original NES version going to this one felt rough, it's not structured like the NES version at all, this one is trying to replicate the arcade feel with its emphasis on high-scores and how quickly matches go. I'm personally not a fan of this style of punch-out but I'm not going to call it a bad game, for what it does, it does it right. The sprite-work is amazing and the super bar is a great mechanic that i'm glad was brought over for Little Macs move set in smash. It wasn't fun to play for me personally but I understand why other people may enjoy it.

Here it is, my 100th review. I wanted this one to be very special since ever since I did this gaming cleanse I feel like i've been able to really appreciate and go into a more in-depth look on the way I feel about videos games. Banjo Kazooie is the prime example of what it means to be a strictly fun game with very little fluff in between. Right off the bat you learn of this games world and setting quickly, and when you leave Banjos house it doesn't matter if its your first time playing, the game asks if you know all of banjos moves prompting you to select yes or not, basically meaning you can skip the tutorial. And I mean just something like that really goes a long way in feeling like the devs care about you, they don't treat you like the dumb fuck babies most modern games do, they believe if you've got it down, then why hold you back any further. Get out there and beat that Grunty.

Anyways, Banjo Kazooie is a game that's very near and dear to me, I could easily just do a general review on the game but its all good, like even the quote on quote "Boring" levels are still fun to play through. The music is amazing and the world and the characters are so charming, full of childlike wonder and whimsy. It really is one of those games you just don't find in todays era. I want to specfically mention the bear and bird duo, I love everything about their dynamic, Banjo the calm but sort of naive one, and Kazooie the hot headed and mean one, but both still help each other out at the end of the day. And get this, they're 3D Platforming mascots who TALK. Yep, crazy right, in an era with mostly silent protagonists hearing the characters REACT to their environments and the world around them does wonders for keeping me engaged. And I care about these two goofballs so much.

I'm not sure what else to even say, this may be like my 10th time replaying this game and every replay is as good as the last. If you still haven't experienced Banjo but are a fan of 3D platformers, then what are you waiting for?

I've put this one off for so long, there were times where I would go back only to see if it could impress me but at the end of the day it made me realize that I really don't play Pokémon for anything else other than the actual Pokémon. The gameplay loop of it is something I'm just not fond of doing, I really only go here to see the Pokémon and character designs because if there's one thing this series does best its those two things. It's because of that I'm not a Pokémon guy at the slightest, but if you pull up my resume you'll only find a copy of Pokémon Pinball on the GBA so it's like you know I'm that OTHER type of fan. That being said, I beat this game hoping that it would get better the more I played but if anything it just didn't. The only part I can say that really got my attention and the part I think is worth your time is the final story unlocked after completing the three main ones in the adventure. Long story short, it's better than the other three stories combined.
Yeah I don't have much to say on this one, other than I want Rika Pokémon to do unspeakable things to me but that's not apart of the games quality and more so hot fictional women things.

Hey guys look its my greatest achievement Wario Land 4 on the Gameboy Advance. Having only played a little bit of Wario Land Shake It I heard from the general consensus that this was the best one in the franchise, so you know I had to check it out and see for myself. After beating it I have to say... yeah, it's pretty good. Definitely way more faster than Shake It on the Wii, and I think I prefer the art direction on this one. This game is just so... weird, like you play it and you see things you wouldn't normally see in Mario's world, and yeah, you wouldn't cause this is Wario's world baby. (Except it's not actually Wario's World that's a game on the Nintendo GameCube) Wario Land 4 is a treat, and after going through it you can see what inspirations and choices Pizza Tower would take from it. The whole run to the end of the level to initiate a timer and then run back to the level in a different way was taken directly from this game. Those moments are also just as fun as slowly exploring each level and finding treasures along the way, it's Wario, you need to find treasure or I'm sure he'll die from treasure deficiency. Even though we all know that Wario can't die simply because he chooses not to. Anyways I went off on a ramble there, it's definitely something you should check out if you loved pizza tower, and if you haven't played pizza tower give it a shot! You might like it.
Then after that play Pizza Tower.

This ones rough, I wont lie I mainly went back to this game to see if it was any good because I've had memories of having an ok time but after fully beating it yeah this is one of the weakest games in all of the series. Right when you start you'll notice this game is probably one of the slowest platformers and I still don't know who thought it was a good idea to consistently add in AUTOSCROLLING levels to slow down the pacing even more. This was a complete drag to playthrough and while I understand I'm not the true demographic for what this game is, it doesn't excuse the boring and slow level design. The music and sprites were the only good thing about this game because that was the only thing keeping me awake as I slog through the most forgettable levels. The main vibe gimmick got stale quick and the whole game does do some interesting things with it but its very few and far in-between. Also shoutouts to the dev who forces you to go back and collect all the toads just to COMPLETE THE GAME. I'm a completionist so that means nothing to me but to the other people who just wanted to get by and have a good time you just cant with how you're forced to find the other toads to simply just beat the game.
Really bad time overall, wouldn't recommend it. Peach deserves better than this.

This was a very cozy time, nothing mindblowing, nothing outright amazing, just simple kirby fun. One thing you'll notice right off the bat is that this game is so colorful, the most colorful I'd say we'd seen the pink puff. But even still, colorful or not this was pleasant to experience in full. I had played this game multiple times in the past and didn't think much of it, but revisiting it now I can say I had fun.

I was more of a Majoras Mask guy than an Ocarina of Time guy. I never really fully completed Ocarina of Time until at the time of me writing this, getting all the skulltulas, the items, the powerups, all that stuff. Even with how much of a hassle it was at times I still enjoyed this game throughout its run-time. I got really invested in its world and even some of the characters were fun to talk to and interact with. It's not my favorite Zelda but I can definitely appreciate what it did for the series and how it can be everyone else's favorite.

Since Tears of the Kingdom is just on the horizon I decided to revisit this game after the honey moon phase wore off like... 5 years ago god. Does it still hold up? Long story short, its ok. Like I went back mainly to complete my 100% journey as the only thing I was missing was the compendium, the horse armors, and the medals of honor which I didn't know were in the game until just recently. I still think this game is very fun to go back to and I kind of forgot how relaxing it is to just explore and have a good time. It's not the best Zelda game but it is good. Also yeah don't collect all 900 korok seeds like I did please for the love of god.