🅱️oneless God Of War with a dash of cringy storytelling. The Java version was better in every single way.

AC II: Mobile on steroids, basically (reused assets and all). In that aspect, it's a 10/10.
My only gripe with this game, is that its sound quality ain't as good as II's. Don't know why, but the devs decided to replace the bitcrushed grunts and screams for when both the player and enemies get hurt, with extremely simple midi sounds, making the game sound mighty cheap.

Aside from that, I love it. Played it on a Sony Ericsson W580i back in the day — and along with II and the PoP ports, 'twas the very reason I got into gaming and game development.

It's the most mid of the mobile AC games. Also, the pixel art's horrid, compared to II and Brotherhood. This, like it's console counterpart, marked the decline in quality, from both Ubisoft and Gameloft.

Still, shit's better than Odyssey.

Not as good as 2 or Brotherhood, but not as bad as Syndicate or Odyssey. I just wish it didn't end in such a bullshit cliffhanger.

You get your ass beat by little red riding hood's schizoid grandpa


Khajiit tiddies, Khajiit tiddies


Fuck this game and it's Wattpad fanfic-tier meta bullshit. They ruined Aerith's death.

I never expected, for the life of me, for this game to be so melancholic and, in some parts, straight up depressing. That was a nice surprise, as I was expecting just a "funny xd" graphic novel about lesbian anime girls.

Kaede best girl.

Game's fun. The "Forever Friends" pack is a scam, tho.

I don't care what anyone says, I want to boink Delamain.

Also, stay away from the Xbox One version, as it's still a broken mess.

The pc version is a complete joke. How Konami wasn't sued for releasing this in such a broken state, like CDPR was with CP2077 (just to name an example), is beyond me.

In the words of a certain angry videogame nerd: WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?!?!?!?!?!

It utterly destroys the story of the original game, but its gameplay's kinda fun. Also, 10/10 OST.