"I am Artorias, the coolest knight in all of Lordran—I also have a wolf!"

—Artorias, the coolest knight in all of Lordran, who also happens to have a wolf.

Fuck this game and it's Wattpad fanfic-tier meta bullshit. They ruined Aerith's death.

>imagine being a Silent Hill fan and having to wait for an entire decade for another game, just to get this POS

Yeah... gfy, Konami.

Someone should tell Miyazaki not every single boss needs to be Malenia. Getting stunlocked to death while trying to cast a basic spell gets boring pretty quickly.

Amazing worldbuilding, lore, and soundtrack, tho. As always.

FINAL FANTASY VII: The Kingdom Hearts-esque, Wattpad-tier fanfic, with shallow meta commentary about the fandom and its expectations.

This is worse than Dirge of Cerberus.

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That buildup throughout 2 games, and Kiryu doesn't meet with Haruka again on camera...


Game sucks, I go to bed.

The pc version is a complete joke. How Konami wasn't sued for releasing this in such a broken state, like CDPR was with CP2077 (just to name an example), is beyond me.

>be Team Ninja
>make Big Tiddy Fighting Game 6
>try to censor it just to appeal to EVO
>insult your consumers by calling them immature coomers, just for wanting to see big tiddies in their horny anime girl game
>get immediately banned from EVO and esports altogether

Game's fun, tho. It's a shame it killed the series.

The only thing I really remember from this game, is grabbing that Moogle at the start of the game, and throwing it away for an hour straight.

Good times. :')

Horny gacha game with a lot of booty. It's also p2w, so beware things like the PVP arena, or the guild leaderboards.

Also, it's optimized like garbage, and its anti-cheat on PC sometimes causes overflows on winlogon.exe.