I probably shouldn’t even count this since I abused infinite credits/continues thanks to the ASTRO CITY mini but hey, it’s an officially supported way of playing and I saw the credits so shrug.

Amazing little game. I love an experimental title, and this one delivers in that department and provides a cuteness overload. Wish Sony still made quirky exclusives like this, a little bored of award bait AAAs now.

So glad to finally be able to play this game on a platform I actually enjoy playing games on. Fantastic remake that saves an already pretty enjoyable game. Fans have fixed the definitive fan remake.

A game probably less in need of "saving", but this port still does so regardless. Playing any other version of the game now that a widescreen, controller supported, pixel perfect and convenient port exists is a sin.

In a Classic Sonic mood 😅. Still my favourite out of 1/2/CD. Nice to be able to play it pixel perfect too thanks to the Decompilation.

Also got all Good Futures for the first time, which was time consuming.

Played with: SC126HD

A great 3D platformer which while occasionally repetitive and iterative, has plenty to offer. I think it’s a worthy follow up to the LittleBigPlanet series, but never quite feels as fun or fresh as its predecessors though.

An already phenomenal game/experience I adored strengthened by the various upgrades this edition offers. Playing in 4K (on Xbox Series X) with a good pair of headphones for the first time blew my mind away and whisked me to another world. The Switch port while a little downgraded and lacking at times offers the same great experience on the go, and looks stunning on the new OLED model.

Sorry, back on the Classic Sonic kick again.

I complete S3&K frequently so it was like riding a bike, but still counts towards the total. Went for the good end as usual and had a blast. I'll always recommend this game and specifically S3AIR.

Wow... I can see why people have been nudging me to play this for years now, I absolutely adore it as you all predicted. A rhythm game that hooked me like no other with a truly unique gameplay and soundtrack. I didn’t want it to end. I’m now a fan for life.

Plus now I know why everyone’s so gutted it’s stuck in Japan and never got a sequel. I’m right there alongside you.

This is one of the worst rhythm games I've ever played. Bland and confusing presentation, mostly dull music selection and an infuriating gameplay system that's difficult to read and has poor hit detection. Also the game is only an hour long due to how (poorly) cut down the songs are.

I'm sure this game could've been something great, but on the roadmap of "clone Project DIVA", they forgot to actually include any of the good bits that people liked. What resulted is a confused, corporate cashgrab of a game that has no identity of its own.

GUMI deserves better.

I... errr... what??? A very confusing and polarising game. I definitely really enjoyed it, but the entire thing felt like a strong feverdream. It’s pretty much a Mario game but on acid and nothing is coherent. Interesting experiment and great game.

(3D World) 2nd time beating this, but still a phenomenal game. Although I think it's trumped by both Galaxy games, it's very close to the perfection those two offer. Switch port has a few issues, but doesn't detract from its shine.

(This is only counting the Sonic Dimensions level pack, as it isn't listed as a separate game) Should’ve figured #13 would be unlucky. A great idea on paper, but has lots of issues. Really wanted to like it, but it’s far too difficult to keep control of and is chock-full of bugs.

One of my favourite games, and this playthrough has only cemented that. Phenomenal story full of twists and turns which still get me, deep beat-em-up gameplay and extremely varied side content. Glad it’s now available to a far wider audience. While I'm glad this port trimmed out some of the more questionable content, the most infamous and uncomfortable scene in the whole series is still in here despite serving no plot relevance, which dampened my experience.

The true Monkey Ball successor we all wanted. Great physics and level design from fans who get what made the series great. Perhaps cheeky to say I've beaten it (early access), but I cleared all difficulties in Challenge Mode available on launch day, and recleared it again once additional challenge modes and stages were available in August.