it could've been so easy for the second half of this game to not suck total ass. rapture deserved a better game.

worth it for how much i lost my shit every few hours. loses a point for a slow start.

i did not learn how to parry until the monsoon fight

jesus christ this game does everything right

it fucking sucks that there are so many little, little things holding this game back because if it weren't for the out-of-combat movement, most of the bosses, the fact that you don't really FEEL IT until mid game, most of V's combat, the bosses, the overall low-ish level count and the fact that the story feels so fucking all over the place this would sweep everything ever

they finally made a splatoon story mode that doesn't put me to sleep

i can't believe i hadn't played this one

great start. thats as much as i can say.

slightly worse than base game but still got me real fucking good with that ending so i can't be anything but happy with it