Writing is top notch. One of the first I remember feeling like characters in a video game were real people.

Overly ambitious in its design resulting in major cuts having to be made to get it out the door. As a result the story is obviously truncated as is the level design. The ending also makes no sense. The presentation and atmosphere saves this.

Decent idea and fairly well done execution. Essentially a horror game.

Even shorter than Harley Quinn and another glorified challenge map.

I played this for 100 hours and didn't finish the main quest.

I remember liking this one but thinking it was too hard.

The combat is a bit loose and weightless. Aside from that the game is basically perfect.

I had this on my phone because of a Vsauce video and if that doesn't scream 2013 I don't know what does. Decent enough to do a few puzzles on the bus but very easy to cheese. I remember liking the music.

I know games were simpler on the NES but there's really not much to this game at all.

Also landing isn't hard.

One of those things from your childhood that you are sure was a dream or some amalgamation of things you were too young to understand, then decades later you rediscover it on YouTube.

Not that bad but not that good either.

Bigger isn't always better. As with many open world games Arkham Knight struggles to fill its open world (around 3 times the size of Arkham City) with meaningful content that's not just more Riddler trophies or Ubisoft style guard towers. But releasing in 2015 meant that trend was in full swing and boy does Arkham Knight follow the trends of the time.

Most of the criticism is laid on the overuse of the Batmobile, the big new addition. I don't think I hated it as much as others but it does wear out its welcome with how often the car centric missions appear and how repetitive the tank gameplay is.

On foot Batman is still goated and I won't hear any different. The additions to the melee system go a long way to refresh the combat 4 entries into the series and the few interactions the Batmobile has during mob fights are fun.

Where Arkham Knight really shines is the story. The devs really seemed to think this was going to be the last Arkham game and it shows with their willingness to kill off major characters you'd think would be safe. The eventual ending is a little disappointing for it to only be a cutscene but the story resolution provides a satisfying close to the Arkham trilogy; again, they thought it was going to be the last game.