Initially I hated this one but also I grew up with the laggy PAL version. Recently I played the Allstars version on switch, which uses the non-laggy version. Honestly this is peak mario and dethroned galaxy 2 for me. The movement options are great, so is the music and I had a blast during most levels. Its only flaws are that one flying tutorial level bc the controls are actual ass and.... of course the camera. I can't really excuse that one. But still, to me this game deserves being called a masterpiece

Pure joy from start to end in every single way. Gameplay is fun, everything is cute and the levels were really cool. The music is what I expect from Kirby: phenomenal. I don't know how they compose these nearly 10 min long unlooped final boss themes but Two Planets Approach The Roche Limit actually made me shed a few tears bc of how beautiful it is. Dramatic I know but I never felt this way about any musical piece. It's my favorite Kirby game and imo the best one next to Robobot and Superstar Ultra. Overall just a joy but this series has been consistent in quality so I'm not surprised. 5*, you should play this.

I really liked the story but man oh man that split route system was not a good idea since I really did not feel like playing a game over and over again just to experience every route and ended up watching the rest instead. Its graphics are also.. how do I put this. It's like playing a jpg file if that makes sense, it's bad. So 3.5* it is.

I get why people like this game. Its writing is insanely deep and good but I honestly can't get over the 3 days system since it stresses me out. That + how confusing it is in general. I'll finish it someday, just not today :( For now I'll rate it 4*

Crystal to me already aged hilariously well but this remake fixes the very few issues I had with it alongside adding new stuff like the phy/spe split, new designs, new events and of course fantastically remixed music. The best remake honestly. I had fun.

Unlike sticker star it had funny writing. I hate the card gimmick though and this game is forgetable in general.

First things first: I got a corrupted cartridge bc this thing nearly bricked my 3ds (when this cartridge was inserted the screen would straight up not work for at least 10s, the music still worked. This was the only cartridge that did this) and I believe my 3ds tried to warn me. God this game. People have their qualms about spm being ridiculously easy and while I agree, it had one of the best story alongside ttyd. This game however isn't even good as a standalone game you play without any prior knowledge. I tried playing this, got bored after the second world. I was upset and most of all mad that I spent money on that. Gamers aren't lying this time, it IS that bad.

Flawed as hell but after the nightmares that were ss and cs it was MILES better. The soundtrack is my favorite by far, I liked the story and writing even if the first was still extremely dumbed down bc nintendo hates depth I guess. They sneaked in Bobby tho so it's ok. That being said they gotta stop with the gimmicky battle systems bc this one was so awful. I play rpgs for a relatively uncomplicated experience, why does every battle get turned into a dumb puzzle and YOU STILL DONT GET EXP IN THIS GAME. So theres no point in battling yet again. Still, the game gave me a bit of hope that they're slowly sneaking into that right direction again. I appreciated the incredibly niche mario party 4 music reference in the shy guy show. 3.5*

Religiously used to play this game and even spent money on it, which is something I barely do for gacha game. This because it used to feel earned.
In 2016 when it released it was accessable, resources were easily farmable and it remained that way until its younger brother released. Oh kingdom. Unfortunately for us, devsis is incompetent at correctly investing in two games at once, the ceo took a massive bonus for himself and crob suffers under it. Animations and art are low-budget compared to kingdom, it's not as varied in language as kingdom, it's not voiced and more. Now, with all the p2w changes it made to everything, it feels like devsis is trying to drain the last amount of money they can before the inevitable eos announcement; thus essentially spitting on their roots. It's sad because I love the characters, I love the lore it crafted, everything. Fly high my old friend, I don't think there's any chance of you being saved.

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I need to preface this with that I only played fates and 3h, so my knowledge is limited. There's really good reviews on here that focus on the past games in comparison to this one.
I finished the game just earlier and I'm a bit conflicted. The start of it was super weird in the way where I didn't feel like the target audience at all. Alear was also mega annoying and all they really did was cry around and do nothing... while every character worshiped them. Only when they reached the desert area it kinda started going upwards story wise. I won't lie to you though, the story is predictable but that didn't really bother me per se. I liked a lot of lategame to endgame moments, Alear finally started becoming cool and not just whiney. But here comes the part I didn't like: The villains. In the game we meet the four hounds, loyal followers of Sombron. In reality most of them, much like Alear, are just traumatized bc of their past and how their caregivers treated them. These four form a found family, a trope I adore usually but Engage did it so horribly I can't even laugh at it. Mauvier I knew from the very beginning that he'd switch sides so he's really not the issue since he was always an anti-hero. Marin was just really looking for parental affection and praise, because her own mother abandoned her since she only wanted to keep her sons.. this affection she got from Mauvier but realized too late. So she was fine too and not exactly what I'd call a villain either. Griss is just a masochistic freak. He was handled okay since he didn't really do much except follow people, namely Zephia, around bc mommy issues. But Zephia... oh my god this character. Zephia is the oldest of the bunch, having fought at the 1k years old war alongside Sombron and Alear when they were bad still. From the very beginning she's shown as motherly but in a twisted and evil way. She punishes all other 3 constantly by hitting them, keeps calling Veyle a defect and is honestly just horrible. She ends up killing Marin, too, when Marin attempted to free Veyle from Zephia's spell and does not feel regret even when Mauvier gets mega pissed. Even calls her a bad child who needed to get punished accordingly. Anyway fast forward to when we actually do end up killing her, Zephia reveals that she wanted to bear a child; Sombron's child. Not because she loved him, but because she wanted to know what having a family was like. Griss, while dying, tells her that she's the closest he had to a mom ever in his life. Zephia then says when she called the other three her family she meant it. But yknow, she also abused them constantly, KILLED Marin without regret and so much more. Oh my god Intsys what is this insane attempt of trying to redeem her bc it did not work. Literal bottom 1 villain for me. Speaking of redemption, they tried this with the big bad too and while redemption itself isn't bad, it was shoehorned in last second. Sombron sought revenge because the rings originally belonged to the world he is from. In that war, he was the sole survivor and was granted exile in Alear's world and did the same thing in Alear's world as his oppressors in order to get his emblem, the Zero Emblem, which left him after seeing how much destruction Sombron brought. This storyline, while sympathetic, just gets shoved in right at the end of it all. I just think it could've been done earlier. It certainly would've been better. While on the topic of the finale, they really missed the opportunity to put the main villains of each emblem's game as the dark emblems in the final fight. They even get described as the foes the emblems beat in the past... come on. THIS ALL BEING SAID it honestly was less bad than I had expected. It even had a lot of good moments such as the miracle being performed on Alear and them becoming the 13th emblem. Marin's death was also super sad to me. Visually it was easily the most polished of all fe games. Animations were really good, no more jpg textures. Art style wise it was the wrong choice though. All characters look like vtubers and I don't mean this in a bad way per se since I watch vtubers myself but... fire emblem was kinda known for having medieval influence combined with anime. This game barely has any armored characters and Intsys straight up admits in an interview that Mika Pikazo was made to draw 50 character designs without even knowing what kinda game it is for. The sameface on all female characters and Rosado (feminine guy) is very annoying too and I wish it had more variety. But that's honestly the only beef I have with it visually.
Tl;dr Game wasn't bad, villains dragged the score down mostly. I give it 3 stars. It wasn't super good but it also wasn't awful, just mediocre and unexceptional. I enjoyed 3h more.

would give everything to reexperience this blind again. it's just that good

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People simply were not ready for this game back then. It was always a masterpiece with few flaws. This HD version highlights that. The visuals aged insanely well, the writing is really good, key moments are done well (the pure hype I felt when meeting Ganondorf for the first time directly was insane, the final monologues before the various final boss phases are also so so good) and I just adore the vibe in general. This is very biased as WW was my first game ever in general BUT still. It's the best alongside botw. Please play this.

Loved it till inazuma. I need whoever wrote inazuma's story fired immediately. havent picked it up since then. I'll see if it becomes good again once it reaches Snezhaya and Khaenri'ah.

I hate how this game handled paper mario's universe but... I had fun? The music was good? I liked the fights? story was ass tho.