Rain world is a game where you must fight to survive in a harsh and difficult post apocalyptic world where everything is out to kill you. In the beginning you just get thrown into this world without any explanation and you must figure out how to get food and avoid being food wich is hard because youre at the bottom of the food chain. The game does an excelent job at making this place feel like a lived in ecosystem but because of that youre going to die, a lot. The game is and always will be niche because of brutally hard this game is. it does not pull punches. If you decide to take things slow you will soon realize that after 10 or so minutes it will rain like pure hell upon your fragile body. You will die in the rain and will die by the proceeding flood caused by the rain if you do not find shelter soon. exploring all the different environments is a joy even if youre going to die from all the scary monsters there. Rainworld is a harsh game and if youre thinking of playing it you should know that you ARE going to die and get frustrated at some point and at that point youll probably give up on it as have i on several occasions but if you stick through it you will find a very special videogame.

Short and sweet just like this review.

One of the best platformers of all time. The main character: Celeste must climb a mountain and face the chalenges that it faces. the story is great, the gameplay is great and the music is great. Celeste is one of those games that realy stick with you way after youve finished it.

Not amazing but still very fun. The story tries a little too hard to be serious and even if the writing is still good kind of gets ruined by the cartoon hedgehog. Music is at least good tho.

The story is ok at best and the characters are boring but the gameplay is so fun and exciting that it makes up for the lackluster story.

I did not like this game. i expected a sequel to my favorite game of all time and i got a game that was only made so that devolver had something on apple arcade. very disapointing.

One of the best fighting and party games of all time. very fun very well made and very much content. for 60$ this feels like stealing with how many hours of fun ive had with this. only bad thing is the story mode.

Just play breath of the wild man.


Still holds up 30 years later.

One of the best games of all time. Most game studios right now focus a lot on trying to make their games big and have a lot of content but rarely does this content mean anything. a lot of times they are these huge empty maps with nothing to see or do. breath of the wild manages to do what other games can not, make a world that is filled with things to see and do without being overwhelming or boring. around every corner atop every hill there is something to see or do but the game never forces you to do any of it. The goal of the game is to beat this big bad guy and even if the game pushes you to get the right tools to beat him you can also just face of against him in just your underpants if you want. The strongest part of this game is how it lets you do whatever you want in whatever order you want. if you dont like a part of the game you can just skip it if you want and the game wont stop you. This game is a must play for any videogamegame-enthusiast and if you dont own a nintendo switch its worth buying one just to play this game.

Enter the gungeon is an amazing rougelike shooter. its a little hard but fun to master and it has so many items, bosses and guns to find and unlock that even after my many hours playing it i am nowhere near reaching the true final boss.