Super Mario RPG is still a charming-as-hell game with plenty of fun and fantastic music. It's just a joy to play. They did make it a lot easier though, which I'm not the biggest fan of, but it's fine in the end. The original could be punishing later in the game, so it's definitely a welcome change for newcomers. It's short for an RPG, but it's a fun time and definitely worth giving a play.

RoboCop: Rogue City is a pretty fun game for what it is. Although simple, combat can be fun as hell, and you feel like an absolute tank as RoboCop. Combat gets repetitive at times though, and I wish there were more enemy types, but it's still fun. Game also looks very good, despite being a AA game, and the story and NPCs are pretty charming. Definitely worth picking up on a sale.

Very good game. Audio and visuals are phenomenal, and the soundtrack is incredible. It's worth playing for those reasons alone. Sound design when moving around, climbing and walking over different surfaces sounds amazing and so crisp. Just a very good-sounding game overall. The soundtrack constantly hits with upbeat tunes, but also darker tracks in areas that need it. The gameplay is fun, but it can get a bit repetitive in the combat. I do, however, love the traversal around levels where you have to climb, use a hookshot-like tool and so on, plus fun puzzles here and there. Makes it a bit more to do than the average RPG.

The story is simple but in a good way. Think Paper Mario 64 and other RPGs like that. It's sweet and heartwarming, but it doesn't go crazy with details that you need to remember. Gets darker later in the game as well. It's nice with a chill RPG like that every once in a while. I can definitely recommend it, even at full price.

Fantastic indie game. Incredible atmosphere, clever puzzles, good level design and a pretty interesting world make this a must play.

What a delightful game! Positives first: I loved the artstyle and music. You can tell the designers put a ton of love into designing all the characters and environments. The game simply looks gorgeous. Every character looks great, even random NPCs. It's just wonderful to see such attention to detail. The music was fantastic: There were so many times that I would just stand around a listen to the music before moving on to the next area. The composer deserves all the praise in the world. Combat is fun too, but it's way too easy most of the time. That's one of the things I found a bit negative with the game. Then again, you never get fustrated, which is good, but some challenge would be nice. Also, I found quite a few bugs, even in the 3.0 patch. I'm sure they will be fixed eventually though. Lastly, the ending part of the game seemed a bit rushed, but it was still a great game overall. Can't wait to see what they'll cook up next!

This is a sweet and chill game with minimalistic gameplay. The gameplay is definitely not the focus, it's more about the story and atmosphere, both which are pretty great. I love the visuals and music, and while the story could've told a bit more, I feel, it was a good time in the end.

I loved my time with this game. LGTS is full is fantastic art, sweet music, fun characters, but also a dark and twisted story. I honestly think it's an indie gem, so you should definitely not miss out on it. It's also quite long for the price, so you get a lot of game for the money, plus there are many endings you can get too. All in all, very pleased with this game.


DUSK kicks ass. The horror aesthetic is awesome and the gameplay is a blast. Sometimes it can be annoying to find your way around certain levels, but I still recommend it strongly if you like old school-like FPS games.

Stories Untold is a pretty decent game. I enjoyed many of its puzzles, although some of them were annoying. I especially hated how the classic adventure sections where you need to write what to do don't understand you sometimes. For instance, at the end, I need to walk towards a silhouette, so I wrote "walk to person," "walk to man," "walk to police," but it only understood "walk to silhouette." Stuff like that can be very annoying, but other than that, the game was good.

Definitely one of the best RPGs I've played. Great story, amazing visuals, fun gameplay, tons of good characters. Worth your time for sure.

Incredible game. I thought it might get boring, considering it's in the same world as BotW, but Nintendo added so many new things that it's insane. Combine that with the fact that the story is better, there are more gameplay mechanics and so on, then you end up with a masterpiece.

Turbo Overkill has become one of my favourite FPS games. It's a blast from start to finish, full of incredible music, epic setpieces, great levels and a ton of fun weapons. I had so much fun, and in the end, that's what gaming is all about. The only reason why it isn't 5 stars is because some of the weapons didn't really get used much, but other than that, very fun.

It's a good game. I especially enjoyed the writing, but some of the puzzles can be random when it comes to what you need to do. Still a fun game though, but you might want a guide around for the times when you get really stuck.

Wonderfully unique, dark, one hell of a psychological tale. Intense combat at times, fun puzzles and a truly special story makes Hellblade a game people should at least try once.

I see a lot of people here complaining about the controls, but then I see that they played on PlayStation. Guess this kind of game just doesn't work well there. It was some of the most smooth, fast fun I've had on PC and it controlled wonderfully for me. I had a blast, honestly. Love the setting, the music and the combat. Very fun.