A simple and beautiful game with a real gut punch of an ending. Straight forward narratively for a Silent Hill game, but still a fun playthrough.

Interesting follow-up to the original. Never really used the additional shield and grappling hook unless I had to, but it was fun and much easier than the original in a good way

Consistently above average in all ways aside from some floaty controls. Pretty good story, pretty good characters, pretty good visuals. The epitome of a "pretty good" game. Nothing you'll remember for years, but worth your time on sale

Fantastic world and way more interesting lore than an RPGmaker game has any right to have. This is amazing if you can handle a bit of RNG

Great game but BE WARNED! You should use a guide to get ending A, it's the only ending that's remotely satisfying

I usually hate open world collect-a-thon games, but this one really blew me away. Give it a shot if it goes on sale.

Drop dead gorgeous claymation with a game that makes no sense. Fun little acid trip though for a cheap price

I had no idea a game could go so insane in the last 2 hours.
I love it

Really good, though honestly the worst of the original 4.
They're all great but the puzzles are all over the place and there are way too many enemies for the creepy vibe to set in properly

I wish I was Harry Mason in real

Pretty damn good all things considered.
I was led to believe this game wasn't great compared to the previous 3, but it was actually very good. Fantastic story, intense characters, and one of my favorite OSTs in the series

Horrible frustrating gameplay
Forgettable if not frustrating characters
Final boss has insta kill moves throughout his fight and the final phase has one that covers almost half the arena
Party AI that literally doesn't work