It's not bad by any means but I just find it boring and uninteresting in terms of gameplay and story. It felt like every time something interested me it immediately led to something that disappointed me.

It's not bad but nearly every time I've tried playing it would crash around aquarium park

Such a beautiful game with a really fun gameplay and movement. This game is either you love it or you hate it and personally I loved it.

It's filled with so much charm and whimsy. Also Daisy is finally playable.

The writing is some of the best and while I don't fully love the combat it's still really tight and fun

This game looks like a cartoon that came out in the late 90s to early 2000s

How did they nail their first 3d game so perfectly?

It's really good I just couldn't beat the final boss because I was bad but I plan on replaying it.

Genuine masterpiece from begining to end.

Just play chain of memories or watch the cutscenes on YouTube