Ok this version of the game is awful but in a so bad it's good as long as you got friends with you for the ride kinda way

Very weird yet interesting little adventure game. I wouldn't say its the best in a pure quality sense but I personally had a great time with it (even when I had use a guide). Honestly would suggest to try it out

Funky lil child of Jet Set Radio/Tony Hawk that is pretty fun for what it is and has an enjoyable story, even if it feels it misses here and there.

A modern day masterpiece of a thriller. Saying anything would be too much. Highly Recommended

Very very short (nothing wrong with that btw) little adventure game with some pretty fun movement.

Very Edgy but honestly kinda solid top down shooter.

Back to Regretting Nothing. Other then the final part drags a little bit.

Honestly jokes aside it's not actually the worse but it's pretty generic for a Postal game and can be pretty broken at times.

That's my Ichiboy right there! Honestly would rate higher if the JRPG mechanics felt a little more polished. And with a glimpse of 8 I think that might be exactly what I want

Genuinely one of my favorite Yakuza games. It may have some wacky ass twists people clown on but goddamn it I kinda love it for that

Nice little adventure game about helping people through some rough patches

This is probably one of my favorite Visual Novels of all time. It's a mess in a lot of ways but in those same ways it's utterly fascinating to me. It's a amazing experience and the start of one of my favorite series of all time.

This is Street Fighter! Never the last chapter! Every new game like a angelic punch to your bladder!
Idk where I'm going with this. Game good