Literally everything I want from a 3D platformer. Great platforming controls, great gunplay and great challenge.

Masterpiece RPG, so much care put into this game that you wouldn't even notice at first, and amazing story that made me feel every emotion possible

Most insane and convoluted MGS game that asks questions that will make the player think and doubt for the rest of their life

The dungeon crawling RPG genre brought to it's absolute peak. Insanely well crafted gameplay that truly rewards skill

It's batshit over-the-top while still somehow letting the player take it seriously and I admire Kojima's direction and writing for that a ton

Crazy fun gameplay with a good amount of replayability. The main story is really stupid but the game clearly doesn't care: the real attention is put into the absolutely wonderful and charming cast of characters that make this game so damn charming

Protip: Press the start button every time story of any kind shows up.
You can now enjoy what Conquest is really, and I mean, REALLY good at, which is the gameplay, and that's what matters to me most in FE. It's insanely replayable with so many dumb fucking builds you can create every playthrough, and with the really good map design and challenging gameplay, it's one of the most satisfying FE games to play ever made

Balls to the wall gameplay where you either win or die in one turn. Extremely satisfying and addictive game, the story and the writing are also really really good. It's not character-based so they don't get too much development but the worldbuilding, dialogue and the general direction is still incredible, not to mention the OST

Never thought I'd ever be a fan of deckbuilding games but I caught Vinny from Vinesauce streaming it and I got hooked. It's really fun and the soundtrack is incredible, but the game does have some kinda obvious balancing flaws

The gameplay is a way too easy, I wish I had played on a harder difficulty, but otherwise it's another excellent MGS plot, but with toned-down sci-fi and less convoluted shit which is a bit of a shame

I played this an enormous amount as a kid, near 100% and it introduced me to Mario 64 very well. I still think the extra content is really cool and I wish there was a way to reconcile the best of both games (the original's way better controls and higher quality sound effects and this game's really cool extra content) and I think it's a shame Nintendo doesn't do anything of the sort

Peak vanilla FE on Lunatic mode. Even on Lunatic+, as batshit insane that mode gets, there's still signs of good playtesting, insuring that this mode is beatable at all. The true hardest and fairest challenge FE has to offer, while still retaining the core of FE's really pretty simple mechanics

Criminally underrated by casuals who play on the lower difficulties and get disappointed by the ugly visuals. The game really shines on the higher difficulties, where it offers a really interesting challenge with player units that all have weaknesses to consider and try to play around. You never really have units you can truly consider totally broken with no weak point of any kind, and even though you're on the higher difficulties, it's not a game of who has the better stats at all, you can go in with absolutely shitty units and still win with your own skill and tactics

So good yet so glaringly flawed, and it's a shame that most casuals mostly pick up on the flaws and decide it's a bad game, because it's one of the most solid FE games with it's excellent difficulty and map design. The game is basically just a huge escort mission to get Roy to the throne, and yes, unit balance is terrible, and yes, hitrates are awful, it's a pretty janky game at times but it's otherwise so goddamn solid and genuinely challenging. As a strategy game, this is one of the better FE games.

Really cool direction, excellent music and really satisfying gameplay