After slamming my head against a wall and playing through the game 3 times and once again for the hard mode, Hotline Miami 2 is undoubtedly a weird game where comparing it to the original or trying to play it like you played the original will only hinder your enjoyment of it. Think of the game as something completely different, relax and try to get used to the spike in difficulty and you'll probably find yourself enjoying the game way more than you would otherwise. When I first played it I thought it was awful but after understanding what the game wanted from me, I was having way more fun than I did in HM1 and it actually made it harder to go back to the first game

Catherine is a solid puzzler and has an engaging story, probably one of my favorites out there in Atlus's catalogue, the gameplay can be a bit clunky at times but it's very easy to get used to, it and the difficulty can be adjusted to fit your playstyle, the remix blocks can be really difficult at times. I also felt that the addition of the new character felt more organic than Atlus's other attempts to add a new waifu to their games

A really solid game with a great atmosphere and decent spooks, it also tells an interesting story and encompasses Taiwanese culture and history into it's themes and presentation really well, as it is a seldom heard of culture it was really refreshing to see it, highly recommend it, can be beaten in one sitting if you are dedicated enough

I want to preface this by saying I played this game on the survival difficulty with the hud completely turned off along with the crosshair and on first person mode. This led to me having to play through the game much more strategically as I had to scour every nook and cranny for weapons and supplies, a thing which I thoroughly enjoyed, the laser sight pistol was basically my lifeline because of this. As I explored through the game I've noticed just how many encounters and events were packed into this, you'd go inside a house and have a chance to encounter some completely unique enemy or be taken to a hallucination that gives yoh more insight on lore and what the protagonist personally went through, which ties the events of TEW1 and 2 together. Overall I think the game is best experienced when played like this and when you explore as much as you can.

Atmosphere and location wise this game is much more consistent, the environments in TEW1 were all over the place, this game sticks to a certain type of atmosphere and setting for the most part.
There wasn't a lot of enemy variety in TEW1 and what little there was of it was not particularly fun, this game shakes things up by throwing you multiple unique enemy types that require different strategies to take on and paces these evenly so you never get to feel bored of enemy types.
Story wise this game is a lot...safer, I personally liked it but it was lacking in terms of the heavy symbolism of the first game and instead focused on a story that was a lot more personal, I'd say both stories are really good in terms of quality but I can see why a lot of people might disagree with me in this.
One thing that bothered me was that the first person mode was half baked, it was lacking in a lot of aspects, animations were a big issue as from what I can tell, there are no special animations made for the first person mode, instead it sorta just places the camera inside Sebastian's head, maning you don't have many options for aiming and in certain reload animations you will see the inside of Sebastian's body as they just didn't optimize it for that. The first person mode also makes stealth extremely difficult, which is why I resorted to turning it off during stealth sections, this is not a big issue however as you are free to swap between the two perspectives with relative ease and the game won't punish you for it.
Overall Evil Within 2 is way better than the original in my opinion, if it had more time in the oven and did more for the first person mode it could have been way better but the game that you have here is very solid and I was not bored of it at all in the 17 hours it took me to finish it.

Overall the game is a bit of a mess, it nails the atmosphere and story but leaves much to be desired in terms of gameplay, it starts off with a major focus on horror and survival but about 6-7 chapters in it leaves that for the sake of becoming a rather generic shooting gallery and this is not helped by the fact that the gameplay of it is not designed around running and gunning

The game itself is really fun with the best single player campaign I've played in shooter game and has some of the most fun mechanics in a game
That being said the online functions of this game are borderline insulting, the game has long been abandoned by the devs and there is no hope of fixing the amount of disconnection issues and waiting times you will have, it will take an insanely long amount of time to get into a match but when you can it is an amazing experience, if you are fine with that or just don't care then this game is absolutely worth it

Silent Hill I think is the best horror experience on the original PlayStation, while the inspiration from Resident Evil is obvious it does more than enough to stand on its own as a game and overall has surpassed the PS RE games, the technical limitations of the time has given this game a unique atmosphere that is hard to replicate with modern technology, the way the static camera moves around and the fact that the fog obscures most of the town adds a level of creepiness to the game that isn't often seen in modern horror games, it's really fun to keep track of where you need to go and trying to decipher what is going on in the town and where your damn daughter is. Gameplay wise it's a bit on the jankier side but since the game encourages you to either run away or confront everyone head on you probably won't encounter the jank that comes from the dodging mechanic. The voice acting is the usual PS1 quality you can expect, its not very good but its not bad enough to take you away form the experience it is just ok. The outdated graphics of the PS1 has aged like fine wine, the lower polygon models make the game creepier. One small issue I've had is that it is a bit easy to get lost or lose track of what you were supposed to do at times but that's not a massive issue as the game usually nudge you in the right direction as much as it can without getting handholdy
Overall Silent Hill 1 is the best horror game you will get on the PS1 if you can look past some of the minor jank and lack of direction in certain points which is not uncommon for the PS1. Its an experience that is just as memorable as Silent Hill 2

I went into this game concerned as I knew that most of the fanbase uses the gyro controls which I believed would be less than ideal on the Switch Lite, fortunately I was wrong, the gyro controls very nice even on the Lite though it might take some time to get used to. The main game mode puts more emphasis on covering as much ground as possible rather than getting lots of kills which makes me feel better about the fact that I am getting destroyed by an 8 year old who got the game for their birthday. Overall fun experience with a good chunk of content to enjoy both offline and online and can be enjoyed alone or with friends

I want to preface this by saying I actually do enjoy the actual gameplay of Overwatch 2, I never played the first game so all of this is fresh to me and I found it to be very good.
Everything that surrounds it though are mediocre at best, there is no levelling, you have a ranked mode and a battlepass which is not exciting at all if it doesn't have a character you aren't interested in. Getting new cosmetics is ridiculously expensive, a recolor of a skin from the original Overwatch will cost you 5 bucks minimum or 6 weeks of grinding. I do not feel like I achieve anything by doing better than my teammates because there is no reward to show that my work is paying off
At the state it is I cannot recommend Overwatch 2 but I do hope that in the future they fix these issues

RE3R falls short in a lot of aspects, the gameplay was a bit janky at times and the more action oriented direction doesn't go too well with the slower gameplay that they carried over from 2R. A major location was also completely cut from the game. Despite that I still enjoyed it. It's fine if you are looking for more of the same after RE2 and just want the gist of the events of 3

Gameplay is fun, story is ok. Overall didn't feel like it was anything special but it is fun to just mess around in the open world

It's not a one to one remake of the original RE2 but the liberties it takes are completely fine. Gameplay is extremely good and fighting zombies and strategizing is better than ever here. Playing the game with both characters is worthwhile because it shakes up the gameplay enough that it doesn't feel like it's the same thing just with Claire. Mr. X works phenomenally well and it is the perfect balance between challenging and fair, I never felt that the game was bullshitting me. The story is fine, it's classic RE writing meaning it is more entertaining than good. The performance was really good and the game ran really smoothly on a GTX 1650 laptop save for some graphical glitches in the lobby area. Definitely worth your time and it can serve as a good starting point for Resident Evil.

There's a lot of janky and weird things about the gameplay but overall it's decent, with some updates and tuning it could be really fun

Short nice atmospheric horror game
Shouldn't take you more than an hour to complete
It's really nice