48 reviews liked by Triptendo

Fun platformer that aged pretty well, all things considered. The camera is absolute aids but that's really the only bad thing I can say about the game.

The famous mario 64. A game that is still fun but also it's mechanics aged like milk.

Now, to give credit where credit is due level design is really good. Not just good also it's consistent. The most consistent 3d mario even(didn't play odyssey). There is gimmick sections like slides or bowser's linear sections but they are rare compared to the other mario games gimmicky sections.

Level design is good because almost every level designed to be find lots of discoveries in every part of the level. Also choose your own level idea supports it's freedom to it's fullest. You only need to get some number of stars to get to the next section. You don't have to collect everything and I respect this decision a lot. Because the option of skipping a level if I don't like it is nice, because some levels are just not fun.

But gameplay mechanics are like... Ice levels on crack. They are daaaamn slippery it's like every surface mario walks on is made on ice. Also this makes mario 64's slopes the worst. If you are on a slope, you are dead. Because slope's momentum is so strong that mario's jump isn't enough to recover yourself, no it's actually makes your painful mistake intensify and send you faster to your death and I hate it.

Another thing I hate is moving platforms don't add to your jump speed compared to the 2d titles. So if you are on a platform and decided to jump, say bye bye because platform pasts mario underneath while you are on the air and it's too late to realize you need to move now. Because mario's movement in the air just sucks.

Yeah mario's movement in the air suddenly becomes rigid as heck. You can only move forward or backwards for a little bit. That's it. Again compared to the 2d mario's, his air movement just suck ass.

Also who decided to put mario a u-turning animation??? WHOOOOOOOOOO!!???

Yeah I hate the movement and think every mario 3d sequel is superior to this game on movement mechanics. But at least level design is good so that makes this game not a bad game I guess

WOW that was interesting. even if the gameplay is pretty clunky (auto battling is not a good combat system), if you can get past how obtuse it is, there is a real hidden gem here. it's just a simple, fun and great time with a nice soundtrack.

Be the latin american Japan thinks you are.

Katamari Damacy might be the pinnacle of video games. It is all things that are complex while also being extremely simple.

Thanks to Sony, early 2000s analog controls are phenomenal, and Katamari Damacy is atop of the mountain of them. I haven’t enjoyed controls in a game this much since the first Ape Escape (for real this time.) A plethora of moves you can pull off all at the movement of two sticks, immaculate.

An unbelievably, beautifully sounding game. From the text sound effects to the final credits song, there is no piece of music in this game that wasn’t crafted with love. Intimate love. Straight up sex to the ears brother.

Probably the funniest story in any game, rivaled by only Undertale, with a heartwarming message to wrap things up at the end. After every level you complete you're interrupted by cutscenes of a family talking about outer space slowly being pieced back together, by you. The young girl constantly says, “Oh! I feel it! I feel the cosmos!” and it’s both the cutest and funniest thing ever. I love it. I just love it.

The king has some of the best dialogue in gaming history, too. Namco should hold their fists high in celebration of what I think might be the best game ever made.

There’s so much to say about this game, but I want you to go play it yourself. Let this review be a guide into another dimension of gaming. Writing this review made my eyes water, because you just don’t play games like this anymore. Games aren’t made with the same kind of passion and creativity, and it’s really something to behold.

During my play through, my PS2 crashed at “Make a Star 7” and I hadn’t saved since the first level. So I immediately went back and did all that shit again, no hesitation, and enjoyed every second of it. If that’s not enough to get a perfect score, then I don’t know what is. 10/10.

going from the saejima section to the haruka section was one of the funniest things ever

still pondering on why the fuck i bought this

Started because of Phyllis. She gets me acting up every single time.
It took me 10 hours to realize I actually don't like farming/life sim games. Even though it was such an 'obstacle', I enjoyed it while it lasted. After a while, everything started to feel like a 'burden' rather than an enjoyable experience. Everything feels so tedious and messy that I couldn't even finish building my first bridge during this time.

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Izanami is a FRAUD

Absolutely loved this game, the first game in the trilogy. Its such an atmospheric game, loved every second of it, except maybe Bed of Chaos, that "boss" really sucks:))
The soundtrack is full of bangers, even the character creation theme hits like crazy, my favorite track is the Ornstein & Smough one, also my favorite boss fight from this game.
Yes, the game feels a bit rushed in the second half of the game but the DLC really saves it, it was very good, the DLC boss fights were top notch. The graphics were kind of outdated, but it still had some awesome locations that looked beautiful (Anor Londo, Ash Lake)
Also, loved the story and the lore.