I think this is probably my favorite Mortal Kombat game. It looks beautiful, has a dope story that hooked me from start to finish, and was I thought generally pretty faithful to your classic characters. The fighting took some getting used to as someone who had put down gaming for a while, but I think it's overall good and satisfying most of the time. Lots to do from online play to the campaign to towers. I also do love the Krypt. Such a nice idea and way to engage with MK history. Additionally, there is so much to customize in this game and I love the classic looks available to us. Plus, some of the best DLC characters in the franchise in my opinion. Such a good game!

Overall a decent game. It wasn't exactly what I expected going into it, but once you accept the game for what it is, you can enjoy it. It's entertaining and challenging and has plenty of secrets for you to find and go back for. At points it was pretty frustrating for me because the puzzles or paths you had to take weren't clear. I'm not saying I expected them to be, but the game I don't think gave you much in the way of hints after you tried or went to the wrong area. So if you took a break and picked the game back up later, you'd probably get lost have to find a guide. Combat was basic I'd say but not bad. Still fun overall. 3/5

Not the hardest game in the world, but it can be pretty frustrating. It will test your patience unless you love this type of game. I thought the story was nice and the lessons taught were genuinely appreciated. The art and sprites were aesthetically pleasing and I think appropriate. It does a good job of letting itself be what you want it to be without sacrificing its message. What keeps it from being 5 stars for me? I'm not really sure. I suppose I just didn't have a ton of fun playing it. But I won't deny it's a good game. Perhaps just not the game for me.

This is the game that got me back into gaming. This game delivered to me an experience I had always dreamed of as a kid. My only complaints about the game are the maps can be a pain in the butt if you're trying to get somewhere specific or achieve 100%. To this day my file doesn't show as 100% explored because there must be some tiny corner of one map I haven't walked. I also recall once in a while the solution to a puzzle being...I don't know, not as clear as it should have been? For the most part though, puzzles and challenges were totally reasonable. The combat is great, the settings are gorgeous and even chilling at times, and the story is engaging. Even if Cal isn't the kind of person I'd like to see in the main role, he is a good protagonist and is worth following. For a Star Wars fan, I think this would be a wet dream. Even if Jedis aren't your cup of tea, the game brings you up close to a lot of other parts of the Star Wars world that I think any fan could appreciate. We've had some Jedi games before--and I'm not saying they were all bad, but this is a Jedi game done right. Also, one of the best openings to a game I have ever played through. Top 3.

I wasn't there for the beginning or even the middle, so I didn't witness all the improvements that had to be made. I've only seen the finished and now abandoned project. I love this game. I'm a big Star Wars fan so that probably isn't so surprising but it's not just my fanatisicm blinding me. The campaign is fun and is a great introduction to the game. The multiplayer was and still can be from time to time a wild ride. Especially big matches like Supremacy or Galactic Assault. The Star Wars franchise is massive and this game scratches an itch I know so many of us fans have. For that reason it's so sad to know there won't be a third. Without Battlefront, I don't think we currently have a way to engage with the Star Wars universe at such a grand scale as this. This game has helped me to love Star Wars even more and I hope (heh) it never dies.

In my opinion, a rather uniquely satisfying game. Specifically, the gameplay. Learning what route you're going to take, perfecting the timing, quickly resetting when you inevitibly die.. I only really got frustrated at a couple points in situations where it just wasn't clear what to do/where to go next. Or maybe how to get into a particular room without being killed immediately. This though is kind of understandable due to the pixelated style and plus, I was playing on a small screen (Vita). Definitely a fun game, it can get your blood pumping, and there's definitely replayability there if you want it. The story isn't what pulled me through. Just the urge to beat one more level each time. Great game and I should probably try the sequel. Also love the variety of weapons and play styles.

Really not as bad as everyone claimed. Played all the way through and there's plenty more to do. I will probably revisit again at some point just as a DC/superhero fan. If you appreciate the bat sidekicks or ever wanted to play as them, you will enjoy this. It's not the perfect game, yes the city is a little empty at times, I'd agree the combat isn't very "tight" and can be a little repetitive, but if you try and abandon your expectations, I think you'll have a decent time in the end. There's lots to do, lots of customization options, and a decent story that's more or less consistent regardless of how (or who with) you play through. I enjoy the bike, the traversal, the vibe, the costumes...I think there are definitely some pros to this game. I did not play co-op so I can't speak to that experience. Also loved seeing their interpretation of the main villains. And who can forget the beginning.There is no knocking that. A solid 3/5 in my opinion.

I think this game deserves a 4 even if it didn't always feel like one. It seems to me like a lot of effort was put into this game and there's plenty to do. The story itself is long enough, but there's lots to collect and various side missions. There are customization options and also different kinds of gameplay (the "meat" of the game which is the action/combat but also fetch quests and running through conversations with NPCs, a bit like an RPG). The combat itself is interesting and doesn't get stale throughout. Most people probably haven't played a game like this before and I don't think I can name many like it anyway. It's absolutely worth a shot for the unique gameplay, visuals/vibe, and if you just want to try something new. The story is there and I'd say decent but it was drawn out for me at points and sometimes lost on me. But I tend to get that way with longer games in general. I bet the game looks great on OLED.

Short and sweet. Played this off Gamepass without many expectations and was pleasantly surprised in the end. It took a little bit for the game to grow on me but it eventually did. The gameplay itself if all it needs to be, the setting and visuals are appropriate and generally satisfying, but of course the dialogue and story unfolding are what hooks you in. Probably only really relevant or relatable for the older gamer (out of school, at least). If it were a game I'd purchased, I would definitely be playing through a couple more times to see what other endings there are and to collect everything. It's a generally relaxing although at times suspenseful game. It got me to think and I'd recommend it to pretty much anyone. Also, it left an itch for me that I haven't been able to scratch since!

I abandoned the game because I hit a point at which is was VERY clear to me I'd need to put in a lot more time just to progress past this one boss fight. Leading up to that point I really had already invested about a full game's worth of time but I was forced to set this aside because I was playing through Gamepass and had others on the list to try before expiration.
This was my first Yakuza game and what a trip it was. The game includes serious subjects, plenty of comical moments, lots to find and discover, and lots of interesting characters. The gameplay was also new to me and fun. My main complaint putting the game down was how many hours it required. I just felt the burnout before I could even finish the story let alone all the side missions and mini-games. It's a good looking game, it's fun, it got me invested, but at quite a few points it felt like a time suck. I'm definitely interested in trying other entries in the series, I'll just make sure to purchase so there's no rush to finish.

I feel a little personally offended at some of the poorer reviews of this game, and I think that's because the game itself resonated with me. It's not a perfect game, but I think four stars are well-deserved. Maybe the difference between myself and some other reviewers is I had no expecations playing this game. In fact, if anything, I would say I had pretty low ones considering this was my first free game from Epic Games. The gameplay was new to me and no it's not like it's always the most exciting, but it's reasonably satisfying. The real reason to play this game of course is the story and the emotion. The actual look of the game is nothing to snub your nose at either. They really amped it up for the sequel I think because it's almost a character itself in the story at times. This game gives you puzzles, action, suspense, a new female lead anyone could get behind, heart-warming and also heart-breaking moments, some collectibles for those that like to explore, and maybe most of all, it gave me something to think about. Long after I stopped playing. This is a game that gives you a reason to play and I think it's worth anyone's time. Seriously. Just be prepared to jump into the sequel once this one hooks you.

Clearly a ton of work goes into these games and it is appreciated. This is a very good game. There's a missing star because I honeslty felt it began to drag towards the end. I recommitted myself to pushing ahead several times throughout my playthrough and, while I don't even want to do that in the first place, it just because too tedious for me at the end which is unfortunate because most of the reveals for Persona games are reserved for the very end. I had put in a lot of work and time, and I just wasn't invested or interested enough to continue. I thought the characters and story were interesting enough, but not so much as P4G. P4G's setting had me convinced I needed to see the ending for myself. With P5R, I was fine with saving the time and just watching the endings on Youtube. Maybe I wish these games were a bit shorter overall. The mechanics work well though, love the art and style, like the unlockable content, and I did feel this was noticable easier than P4G. Still a very good game and something I'd recommend trying to just about anyone.

5 stars because I honestly can't think of anything wrong with this game. It's been quite a while since I've played, but I remember the laughs with my wife and sense of achievement when we beat a tough level or eventually got all 3 stars for the level. Yes, I do remember the fights too, but that is not the game's fault. Get through the frustration, learn how to communicate and take your pride out of the equation, and you'll have a boat load of fun. Cute characters, great idea, never found a level that we couldn't conquer with some work, and honestly I never felt it was totally unfair. For what it's worth, my wife is not a gamer but this is a favorite of hers. Probably the one game she will play without hesitation.

This was my first real foray into the DOOM franchise so I was unbiased. Picked the game up because of all the good reviews it had and because I thought I should at least be familiar with DOOM as a gamer.

In this case, I think the good reviews are warranted and accurate. Not an instance of hype doing the talking. This game really was an absolute pleasure to play and experience. I do not have a single complaint about the game. It has action packed gameplay, variety, gorgeous graphics, and it performs like a dream. And for what it's worth, it's just cool as hell too (pun intended). The only reason I haven't gone back to it yet is it's not a relaxing game by any means.. and it's not meant to be. That's ok. I've got something to look forward to.

Yes, this was shorter than the Resident Evil 2 Remake but not so much so that I found it an issue. I should say I didn't play the original though so I don't know what may be missing.

Overall I ended up enjoying this game even though I wasn't as much of a fan at the beginning as I was of RE2 Remake. I don't mean to say I wasn't a fan of the beginning, thought that was great, only that for a while there I wasn't as satsified as I was with the previous game. That could be the difference between gameplay inside buildings vs. outside though.. After a little bit, it grew on me and I came to enjoy it nearly as much as the predecessor.
It's a great looking game with entertaining gameplay and a challenge.

Hope to see a (second) remake in this same vain of the first Resident Evil. Jill is badass.