Games I want to replay/review at some point

There are some games that for one reason or another, I feel strongly compelled to replay, whether it's to see if they hold up, put more time into than I did initially, or deep dive into and pinpoint what I love about it so much in a review. Here is a list of such games that will kinda act as a backlog for games I want to play again.

This was the first FromSoft game I beat and while I liked it a good bit, feel like I was still in a contrarian phase when I played it that kept me from really enjoying it. I wanna replay it and see if it'll be the masterpiece that it is for other people to me. Also gotta play the DLC.
I've still got two out of the four routes left to play, and while I doubt I'll like them better it's still worth playing this great game again for the support conversations and unique characters alone.
I only ever played the 3DS version of this, beat it within like 2 days, and then returned it. I think I was expecting something more from the game at the time rather than being fully open-minded to the kind of game that it is, would definitely love to replay.
I played this a ton at launch but didn't get quite as into it as I would've wanted to. In a way this is kind of how I feel about fighting games, I feel like if I can't get into them with this one I just never will be able to.
I could put any 2D Zelda here honestly but I feel the strongest towards this one. I remember loving the story and world but don't remember a lot else about it.
This was a game that I absolutely loved on the first playthrough, but due to the nature of it's gameplay being just one big puzzle I'm not sure if it'll hold up on a second playthrough. Still willing to look into it eventually though just to see if it really is the masterpiece I made it out to be in my head.
Yet another constant like RE2, same schtick here, I just want to 100% it now.
I haven't played this game in years at this point, I might actually have forgotten some of the expertly crafted puzzles and get to have something like a blind playthrough of this game if I replay it, which would be really great.
This is a constant, I always want to replay this game because it's just so damn replayable. Still, I feel compelled to 100% this one honestly, all these replays should mean something.
For being my favorite game of all time, it's not one I find myself replaying often. I really want to replay this to 100% and be able to review it to pinpoint why I love it so much.

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Some awesome titles here

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