i loved the atmospheric, understated character driven moments and i loved the horrific dreamscape chapters. unfortunately, in between the high points are a bunch of cartoon mobsters telling me i have to take out tommy “da mooch” gabagool and eat all his money or something which bored me to tears

Its Quake if ID was into Burzum instead of Nine Inch Nails.
I've been pitching this game to literally everyone who will listen, I fucking love this game

the original is basically perfect so there’s not really much point in remaking this. unless you consider that one of the main intentions behind the remake, beyond just removing tank controls in the old ones, it to make the tone and characters more consistent. the original may be perfect in a vacuum but as an re story it has almost nothing to do with the rest of the series, so from a story perspective the need for a revisit was obvious.

not as good as the original at all, but its good, and convinced me that the devs can definitely handle the more squirrely sequels.

the awkward bridge between doom and call of duty, it basically created the spec ops gi joe that modern warfare popularized, but came out before halo invented putting assault rifles in games. The level design is mediocre to bad, the music is actively awful, and it can be shockingly culturally insensitive, but it does feel awesome to blow someone away with a giant machine gun like arnold schwarzenegger in commando.

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this game is a masterpiece, obviously, the style is striking, the soundtrack is awesome, and the gameplay is innovative, but the greatest accomplishment is how well-paced it is for such an open-ended game. the way the story is slowly revealed in reverse order was so gripping that when i started just kept playing until id revealed every memory at like 3:00 am. The most spectacular moment came at the end however, somehow the game had hidden its Henry Evens twist until the very end, creating a mindblowing "keyser soze" type moment for me at the very conclusion.
the investigation does get a little guessy at the end, and the monochrome is sometimes frustrating, especially when particles muddy up the causes of death. It's partly on purpose but it's something to be aware of. while the plot shows an awareness of the colonialist legacy of the East India Company it unfortunately leans on period-appropriate oriental mysticism, its not the worst but it is the least creative part of the story over all.

innovative and interesting take on the capabilities of the medium
i wish it had a little more buildup and it crashes if you have wifi on for some reason, but for a microbudget experimental meditation thats understandable.

one of the worst written campaigns I've ever played, samey level design and a move away from the larger scale singleplayer battles that made the ww2 and mw games special

there's fewer conversation options, not enough squad mates, and of course the whole ending thing, but in the legendary edition with all the DLC and no multiplayer its a lot easier to appreciate how gut-wrenching a lot of the writing is

on the narrative front Alan Wake 2 takes all the ambitions of the first that weren't quite realized surpasses them. that said, in the case of gameplay, while they pace the escalation much better and the inventory adds much needed depth, the moment to moment combat loops just don't work as well as the originals near perfect system.
i like the the investigation mechanics even if they are pretty linear, i hope remedy do more with them in the future.

im not 100% into all of the writing but the narrative design is awesome

this works sooo much better than it should

its i mean you can tell its bland and incompetent clone of call of duty, but that you might not know it that it stars four identical beaded epic bacon black rifle coffee compony dudes, one of which voices his vehement distaste for hip hop music in the second spoken line after the prerendered opening.

great narrative design and writing, although some of the presentation can be derivative, especially when it just does the car scene from Children of Men multiple times. It's sorta The Long Halloween of video games in that way.

at its best when it feels like a playable star trek adventure, unfortunately you only get three good episodes of high-concept sci-fi adventures outside of the pilot and season finale