Meh licensed game that could be fun with a buddy to co-op with

First time playing the Remaster. Gameplay is still very solid. Story-wise, it just goes so far up its own ass that I see no brilliance to any of it

Amazingly solid sequel to a classic that should be talked about more

Meh licensed game of one of my favorite series

Meh license game that crashed a few times, but was an easy platinum and few solid jokes.

(First time playing the Remaster)
Still a very good game with a disappointment of a final boss

Gave it a 2 hour chance. Just a waste of time

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Still a lot of fun on a 2nd playthrough. Lego Games after this have a high bar to meet again.

Solid little beat em up that is good for fans of the show that wanted more.

Best $10 I ever spent. Really need more games to have director's commentary.

Offensively Bad. Makes you wonder if Silent Hill was ever good

Still an amazing game that created such a high standard for the super hero genre

Fantastic fun. Wonderful turn for the series