52 Reviews liked by Vladeta

13 years, I have waited 13 long years for this game.
And after all of that time, I was concerned it'd disappoint like many games in development hell do.
It didn't, it was more than I ever could've expected.
Thank you Sam Lake, you goddamn mad man.

Oh man oh man, where to begin with this game.
To put it simply, even with some of the bugs and technical issues Act 3 has, this is one of the best games and best RPGs I have ever played. There has never been a single RPG going off of memory that has nailed the characters, the main story, the world that you explore, the side content, and the sheer amount of interactivity and choices available here, all at once. While the game definitely has some smaller flaws and isn't perfect, with some QOL for the inventory system being needed, and one companions storyline needing a more proper conclusion. this game is a landmark achievement for CRPGs, and will be talked about and used as a benchmark for many years to come.

-Update 30/11/2023
Since posting this review, Larian has gone far and beyond and fixed a majority of the issues already. If you have been waiting on playing the game, this is the time

Completed this a while ago, I loved BOTW and continued playing all the way to TOTK release.
TOTK is just BOTW if it had more story, and more and more things to do, and it's extremely fun, though I know I won't be 100% it any time soon, I definitely will be playing it for many years to come

Incredible game, all round, music, storytelling, and the gameplay is fun.
Side quests can get a little boring, but tbh, happens to a lot with RPGs
But regardless, I 100% do recommend this game, it's a cinematic masterpiece, with extremely fun gameplay mechanics

This being my first proper playthrough of an entire MMO was an experience that I won't forget. though, personal problem is trying to get friends to do extremes/savages with me lol.
The story itself was a great way to cap off the Hydaelyn/Zodiark storyline, and I can't wait for what's to come in the next expansion

i really wish i played this game earlier. being a big twewy fan, a game that formed up my youth and brings back many great memories, i was a bit sceptic if the sequel could deliver as the original game did and i was also scared whether the sequel would sour my opinion on the franchise etc etc.
thank god, i was absolutely wrong. neo twewy polishes up some technical and graphical stuff that i felt was lacking in the first game. the ost is brilliant, the 2010s vibe is there, immaculate and the combat system is absurdly fun, a rare case where grinding isn't a chore, it's fun instead.
the story and characters are amazing, every character felt human and relatable and the reccuring characters were a delight to welcome back, even the antagonists were intriguing and had a story to tell. the ending was like a nice little bow that wrapped up neku's and rindo's saga. i wish i could write up more how this game needs to be played and how it's an absolute blast and joy to experience everyone's side of the story but i think this is enough.
so glad these games are a part of me :) i want everyone to feel a piece of what i felt while journeying with the neo twewy cast.

i understand this game is hit or miss, you can either absolutely adore it or you can simply hate it. personally, i enjoyed this game a LOT, i think it's even better than the first game, but that's mostly because ryuki and tama and of course mizuki made this game for me. i can't explain how much ryuki's character means to me.
the somniums were super fun and emotional, i even cried at some of the routes. i really love doing various routes and connecting the pieces no matter how absurd the story may be. sure there's some things left unsaid and incomplete but all in all it's about the friends we made along the way. it's heartwarming and good and i love the bonds between the characters. they feel genuine and not forced at all and that's what matters to me the most.

From the very start of the game, BOTW has become one of my favourites and I'm a bit sad now after finishing it. It's one of those games that makes you wish you could experience it for the first time all over again.
First of all, I love how you have to find out what happened through memories, diaries and random conversations with characters over the map which is HUGE. Some of them are so silly and memorable that I sometimes stopped by to see what they were doing...Champions were also handled very well since you get to find out bits and pieces about them and when you meet them their personalities make so much sense.
I also LOVED the puzzles, especially in divine beasts and shrines.....all 120 of them....Some of them were a bit too easy but that was also fun about them. Urbosa and her divine beast (I'm totally biased) were the most interesting for me!! The combat mechanics were so good too because you actually have to be careful with weapons, shields and bows (since they are breakable and most of the times I wasn't careful at all).
There is so many things about this game that made me love it this much from puzzles, breakable weapons and silly characters to taming horses (especially the huge one), enemies and the story itself. I got the true ending which I liked very much since it was very sweet and fitting.
All in all....I'm pretty sure words can't describe how much I actually liked this game but I tried to write down at least one part of it.

As of writing this review, the current patch for Endwalker is at 6.2, which is part of the post-endwalker story.

So far, this is the best expansion out of all of them in my opinion. It puts you straight in the action, and has argubaly the best areas in the game. The mechanics for each dungeon/trial are very unique, with a lot of flavour in each dungeon/trial thus far.

It is a perfect conclusion to this storyline. I couldn't of asked it any better. Thank you for this wonderful journey, Square.

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Probably one of the best gaming experiences. It also granted the introduction of Emet-Selch, the best gaming villian of all time for me. An enemy who you feel empathy for, but can hate just as much. Definitely in my top 10 games.

tales of arise is an okay game. it's not mid, it's just okay. the cast is wonderful, their dynamic is really good + everyone had just enough character development. it's genuine, we can see their struggles and symphatise with them and we can see how they grow during the game. also i'd argue shionne is the best written tales female lead, she is raw and felt real in almost every instance. using this opportunity to say that the romance in this game is, once again, the best one in the tales of series, just because it didn't feel tropey or forced, but i digress.

the combat is super fun, the ost is delightful and very memorable, the design of the dungeons and cities in general is also very good, except the last two dungeons and the cities in the beginning, they felt very bland.

moving on, why is this game just OKAY and not something wow and groundbreaking; the plot is very weak. it starts off well but in the second half of the game loses all semblance of sense and we get infodumped and left to connect the pieces, in some moments it felt rushed and lazy even. too farfetched i would say. the last 2-3 dungeons are pretty lackluster and the enemies are too tanky with low rewards, to that point that bosses were easier than mobs.
the ending was pretty emotional and satisfying though, but buy this game on sale, it's not really worth the full price.



to be frank, this game didn't live up to the hype in my opinion, the atmosphere, music and scenery is wonderful and enjoyable and the first chunk of the game was really relaxing and fun. the problem starts with the stealth missions which are awful and poorly designed. the game feels clumsy at times + the writing is really mediocre, but i guess this game is for the easily amused. the cat is cute and does cat stuff but nothing revolutionary.

A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.
What a game. After 0 and 7, this is the next Yakuza game deserving of a 5/5 rating.
The main focus of the game are DREAMS, how to pursue them, what do you need to sacrifice for your dream, the bonds you form with the most unexpected people to fulfill said dream, giving up your dreams so you can pass the torch to someone who can reach their full potential. It's a game that tells us that behind every idealistic facade of a goal or dreams lies sacrifice, emotional damage, bloodshed, betrayal, various dark and unpleasant emotions.
Yakuza 5 combines everyone's destinies to tell the most amazing story. Kiryu's path of sacrificing the thing he holds the dearest, Saejima fighting for his truth and new path in life, twisted with betrayal and sadness, Haruka's starry idol path full of promise but also sacrificing the person she holds dear, Akiyama showing a whole new layer of badassery and Shinada, oh boy, his arc was so emotional I don't understand the hate towards him, I found his story very appealing and relatable.
The battles are smooth, the side missions were tons of fun, especially Haruka's!! I'm sad Saejima always gets the short end of the stick because his missions were tiring and sometimes really boring : ( I'm glad Akiyama got his time to shine and Kiryu got also a bit more of dimension, showing the consequences of his actions overall.
But what makes this game really special is the finale. I cried so much during the ending sequence, I think it's tied with the RGG7 finale. Absolutely wonderful and will definitely cherish this game for a long time.

Definitely not as good as Heavensward, but the build up was great. Extremely memorable characters.

An amazing political cop thriller, and one of the best written video games i have ever played. It is very dialogue heavy, and it may not be to everyones taste, but throughout my 43 hour playthrough it was never boring and i was captivated from every witty, funny, and depressing conversation from beginning to end. Worth a try if you are into more story driven CRPGs, or maybe even choice focused VNs