Honest to god a mistake of a game.

This game is so inconsistent its literally its downfall.

This game is awesome, slightly dated mechanics, but I enjoy the story and environment far more than Fallout NV.

Its nice to see where it all started, but the longer you play the more you wish the info on the screen mattered.

This is purely out of nostalgia, as im pretty sure this game is quite bad in the modern times, but I was addicted to this game as a child.

Surprisingly good for its age and genre.

Feels alot like Megaman X4 but has gameplay that keeps me coming back!

The game itself is really nice to look at, but gameplay is quite average.

Its just okay, nothing special.

Theres real, genuine love poured into this game, and the gameplay/visuals really show.

Peak Mario Bros, this game looks gorgeous too.

This game is a drug and I dont know why.

I absolutely love the characters in this game but everything else feels ugly and sluggish.

Tends to feel kind of incomplete and plain, but its fine for the most part.

Watching pretty sprites go brr made me as a child drool.