Summah Games

When you want to have a Summah, you can't go wrong with these games. Carefully curated video entertainment that captures the sights, sounds, and smells of the Summer season without ever needing to leave your home.

Persona 5 Royal
Persona 5 Royal
Getting a Summah massage from my teacher (illegal.)
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
Afghanistan is hot. It's almost like a perpetual Summah!
Super Mario Sunshine
Super Mario Sunshine
Spinning through the air while projectile vomiting a Summah smoothie.
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy X
Ah damn. Spent another Summah bein' dead.
Persona 5 Strikers
Persona 5 Strikers
Is set during the Summah.
Mario Kart 64
Mario Kart 64
If you stop having a Summah, the kart explodes.
No More Heroes III
No More Heroes III
Livestreaming Summah Port-o-John Cleaning Simulator to an audience of none.
Ridge Racer Type 4
Ridge Racer Type 4
Warming myself on Summah asphalt and getting bisected by a beautiful Terrazi Starlight.
Pokémon Snap
Pokémon Snap
Lots of good Summah memories with Pokemon Snap...
Paradise Killer
Paradise Killer
Behold my Summah conspiracy...!
Mario Tennis
Mario Tennis
Do your Summah stretches so you don't get a Summah sprain.
Summah medical bills (horrific car accident)
OutRun 2006: Coast 2 Coast
OutRun 2006: Coast 2 Coast
It's another Summah slow-and-go on the i-15...
Wave Race 64
Wave Race 64
I'm serving out a Summah sentence for this one.
Summah nights spent with a Frogun under my pillow.
Pilotwings 64
Pilotwings 64
Cool off by ramming your plane into those sweet Summah waves.
Puyo Puyo SUN
Puyo Puyo SUN
Eating Puyos on the beach. A Summah treat.
Rupturing my tendons during a pre-Summah workout.


1 year ago

Nice to update this again, especially as it starts getting closer to the actual summer season.

1 year ago

If you wouldn't mind I have a few ideas for the perfect Summah games
Mario Sunshine
Animal Crossing (New Leaf or New Horizons either one works)
A Short Hike
Powerwash Simulator
Sunset Overdrive (idk it's always had that upbeat summer feel to it)
Zelda: The Wind Waker

1 year ago

@STRM Hey, definitely! I only intend to update this list as I play each game though, but I definitely encourage others to suggest games or make their own Summah lists!

I plan to play Mario Sunshine this summer for the first time since it released. I really ought to go back to Wind Waker but it 100% qualifies. I also really ought to get to Animal Crossing, and at some point I'm going to replay Policenauts (can definitely see it making the list, too.) Really need to get at Sunset Overdrive once I get a series X as well.

1 year ago

Windjammers is peak Summah vibes.

Also, any excuse to shill for Windjammers and I'll take it. 😎
Splatoon remidns me of summer like so very few other games do, such a good summah vibe

1 year ago

@pickleSteven Windjammer is like, the Summah game. I should backlog it, but I'd want to fightcade that with someone.

@DemonAndGames yeah I think that would fit too but I haven't played it in a while and tbh I have a hard time playing anything on Switch, so I'll continue with my squidless existence.

1 year ago

I'd say Diddy Kong Racing is pretty summer vibes barring the obvious section of the game which is christmas themed(??), like 80% of the game feels summery imo

1 year ago

Lil Gator Game might be the most Summer thing I've ever played. Big recommend!

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