Completed using a guide. This game does no handholding as expects you to explore the overworld with no guidance.

Played with Wife. She was on the N64 version, I was using the 3DS version. Let down my the super easy boss fight at the end. This game punishes you for getting every single mask.

Almost 'Mastered', just need one more trophy but completed all of the game.

Considering the age of this game it was highly enjoyable with simple trial-and-error puzzles. Very short but good story.

Played with the Bongo drums. Good little rhythm game with a variety of songs including some classic Nintendo ones. Great party game if you have more then one set on drums - can be played with controller.

Played with Wife. She was on the N64 version, I was using the 3DS version.

Book I Completed: fantasy game with bump mechanics. Why have I never played a Ys game before? Looking forward to playing Ys II
Book II Ongoing:

Lost the plot so many times. I had no idea where the story was going and levels felt the same. Controls are terrible, even for a eary 2000's game.

Didn't feel like a Zelda game. Action, adventure, open world with a Zelda skin.

Wife played.