I'm pretty sure I created this DLC after a night out at the pub with the lads.
I was thinking about water and about horror and about puzzles.
I was thinking about big and I was thinking about small.

I joined Swedish team creators and made video game DLC underwater little nightmares runaway kid video game DLC



I've been putting off playing this game for like 6 years now, knowing that I'd like it but just not feeling like playing it.
Not many know this, but I invented the genre of small child in 2d space with platforming and puzzle solving and horrific atmosphere. My name is Jonh Limbo Wiktober .

I love the Nomes and I actually felt tangible warmth each time I hugged them.
I hope they're ok.

I will be playing the sequel to little big nightmares soon.


Alright guys...hear me out...
I quit on chapter 3..... "Wikwi bro....it's the shortest chapter...you gotta finish it!"
I don't want to....

The game is....good.

I like the atmosphere, the movement and the mechanics in place are cool. I like the photo mechanic, and I liked the overall area my first time exploring it.

Here's what I don't like:
• The ghosts.....I get it man...They're ghosts...I should expect them to teleport behind me and also clip through walls. In practice, this was rather frustrating with the movement...this is fine, however, refer to the next point.
• There's like 20 health items up to chapter 2, and maybe like 5 items that act as a second life bar if you die. 95% of ghost attacks do about 35-45% of your entire health bar, and you can only carry one life-bar restore on your person at a time. The penalty for dying is starting at a manual save point located throughout the area you explore. This system is in place to add tension, however, it personally just frustrated me. I didn't enjoy backtracking to pick up a life-restore just as much as I didn't like backtracking to savepoints in order to not lose progress.
• Exploring the exact same areas in 3 different nights was not enjoyable to me. I much prefer a system akin to RE1.
• The puzzles are not good and additionally are recycled about 10 times.
• The story was not very engaging.

I will still play Fatal Frame II one day.

Pleb-filter me once, shame on me.
Pleb-filter me twice, shame on me.

I dropped this game a decade ago and I dropped it again today.
I just cannot be assed to play this game
Sorry atmosphere chads.


This game is actually insane.

I didn't really enjoy it that much, but I can't help but feel like it innovated so hard, that no game fully compares to it to this day. I feel like the most apt comparison to this game is Siren on the PS2, but infinitely less clunky and difficult. The game started out on the N64, using a special 64MB cartridge. Nintendo literally did not comprehend how their hardware was being used so effectively. John Nintendo liked what he saw, and wanted this on the cube, BAD!

Immediately, the games baits you into thinking it is a RE1 clone. The game makes fun of you for thinking this, and immediately turns you into a Roman soldier. Controlling different characters at different points in time with different weapons and stat lines. This is absolutely huge.
The Cambodian foot princess? She's weak. The melvin? He's scared. That fat guy? He has no stamina. Have fun! I won't, but it's pretty cool, not gonna lie....

Additionally, this game features sanity effects. I found myself intentionally throwing in order to have jacked sanity, but it was incredibly worth it, permanent Dutch angle included. One effect genuinely got me, as I was menuing and my save file started deleting. I genuinely believed I did something wrong. There was also a cool moment in the monastery, where all of a sudden bombs were going off and there were medical tents everywhere. Later in the game, it turns out this effect was basically showing me the same level but at a future point in time. I would reckon the game is 20% worse if you never experience the majority of them. This is the most talked about concept for this game, and for good reason. This system needs to be stolen and utilized more (no - not amnesia).

The magic is a bit...suspicious.. I don't like the rune gathering system, nor the spell creating system which needs done 3 times per run per spell, nor the use of spells for certain puzzles. At some point very early on, you have near infinite access to health, sanity, and magic - along with every melee weapon being powerful and more ammo than I could ever use. This eliminates many aspects that I enjoy about survival horror, making this game more an exercise of puzzle solving and story telling than surviving. This also effectively leads me to say that I don't really enjoy this game as a horror game, despite how horrific the beats in the story can be.

Also, fuck you for making me do the tower thing twice. I did not like these.

I don't think it lived up to any hype I had for it, and yet I still feel like this is a huge feat for the time and possibly to this day.

It took 4 games to encounter metagamers who did nothing but slam doors to knock you down for 12-16 seconds while tea-bagging you.
One escaped after like 1 minute of playtime (?) while the others were waiting at the front door to bait us into chasing them to the exit.
The classic door slammer jumped from the bushes and started running 360s around me and Bubba, while gleefully smiling. I caught all his jukes and he was subsequently impaled and murdered.

This was the canonical ending to what happened that night in Texas.

Pink glutton needs to become 3D but in 2D and save the galaxy again?
It's actually so free.
Gone is Hamster Rick. Gone is being a fish on land.
Kirby will murder innocents and (GAMING ALERT) COMBINE ABILITIES???
This is awesome.

Some of the abilities are hype and have felt the best to use in any Kirby game thus far.

Cons: Kirby is slow as hell and collecting the crystals is kinda tedious. Would have been infinitely better without pleb-blocking progress through the use of combinations. The frost combo star in the volcano? Not liking that!
Additionally, Kirby ultimately looks much better in Superstars beautiful 2D graphics, but I like how this game plays more.

What if Kirby inhaled a burp and a fart at the same time to vcombine them??

Wow, Sonic...That was awesome...

Better in literally every way from the first game.
Almost went for Super Sonic for the first time ever, only to realize how utterly insane of a task that is after getting 4-5 emeralds. Personally, I like how Tails is a huge detriment in the special stages.

Oh, Conker.
What have you done this time?
You want to enjoy a night out with the lads and have some brews before they're shipped off to war? Fly into the wind, Conker. Let life guide you aimlessly.
Conker could go home to his beautiful girlfriend, or, Conker could start doing funny little platformer quests because he simply can.
A red squirrel without agency nonetheless remains.

This game is both a parody and deconstruction of platformers. What if the protagonist collected wads of cash and quipped about paying his mortgage and buying a car? What if every character assisted by Conker was outwardly annoying and despised by Conker? What if we do little goofy platformer quests that result in the genocide of an entire race? A sacrifice to the Gods? Sure. What if the big-bad's motivation for doing anything was so shallow, it was literally needing to affix Conker to his table so that he could set his milk onto it? This is awesome.

The gameplay was not awesome. Every interesting idea is forced down my throat by being immediately copied and pasted 2-3 times. The last three chapters introduce a sin known as "aiming on the Nintendo 64", turning my tedium into rage. I spent the last 2-3 hours praying for the level to end and possibly bring me into a new area that was less difficult or annoying.

and then I beat the final boss.
Conker's journey came to an end. This ending was good. It doesn't fully redeem how annoyingly difficult things were prior, but it made me glad I beat it. I will never play this game again, but I appreciate it for what it is.

This game is better than Dream Land 1 & 2....
This game has an awesome artstyle.....This game has Hamster Rick and some more friends....But man.....

The abilities???? I'm bored!
This game is BORING. I wanted it to end!
I made it end.

Never before has Kirby felt better or looked better.
The abilities go from 1 move to having their own entire move set, which is insane.
I can now summon my own little buddies, eat a max tomato, kiss them on the lips and heal them.

I like the progression system of Adventure more.
I can't be assed to care as much about 5 disjointed adventures. Also, I hate the cave game. I won't talk about it ever again.

"Lolo is not gifted in strength or agility...but has great courage and patience,"
This Lolo guy.....He might be stronger than Kirby...This ... Lolo character... Did what Mario could not do in a quadrillion games...

Not gonna lie I looked up like 3-4 puzzles; some of these are kinda busted. Fun game. I will never play it again. I will, however, look back on my time with Lalo very fondly.

Hmm.....Kirby is pink now and can copy abilities? This is awesome....Very powerful NES game, sir...
Great game for the time, I'm sure, and easily the first instance of Kirby being awesome.

Anyways NES slowdown is cringe and you should only play Nightmare in Dreamland on the GBA.

There was a moment where I entered a room and Hamster Rick™ was tied up and stuffed into a sack.
Above him were blocks of ice. He was freezing to death. His squeals were utterly deafening.
I did not have the ability to break the ice and rescue my silly animal friend. I peeked through the ice above, and our eyes met. He knew.
I left the way I came, without my trusty hamster companion.