Riveting story, not so riverting gameplay

It's fun and doesn't overstay it's welcome. Give it a run. Please.

I will vindicate my childhood by beating this someday.

I've spent more time in the map editor than you've spent having sex and that's probably my favorite fact.

This game defined a lot of my aesthetic tastes and just made me actually care about video games. It was the first game I purchased with my own money and I'm so glad that I bought something I'd love to this day instead of throwaway shovelware.

The voice of the wind and droplets of light flow over you as you doze
I will never forget the gentle smile and the eyes you hid in sorrow
You gave me the courage to wish (even when it hurts) and to fight, so I can go on
In my dreams (even when I wake up) I will see you again

My brain tells me that this game is boring and bad but my heart tells me I had an absurdly fun time. I am stupidly fond of this game and can recommend it to nobody.