This is another game that feels weird to rate or to even say you've completed it. I put around 130 hours into (which is modest compared to most) and thoroughly enjoyed it.

Cannot deny the pure optimism of this game.

However I wish some of the worlds were more creative - New Donk City especially - I feel like the art direction could have been so much more wild. And the game never challenges you until the very end - and even then its in the "secret worlds". The Hat mechanic is so much fun to play and experiment with but I just wish the game tested me more.

I know this game has it's problems. The gunplay, the loading times, some of the story aspects (etc) but I cannot deny that it's one of my all time favorites. I love the look, the feel, the story, the characters - nearly everything about it. I listen to the soundtrack every single morning to this day. Mirror's Edge is one of those games that I play whenever I am feeling down, lost or just not myself. I'll play through the campaign, allow myself to escape for the afternoon and it never fails to lift me.

My favorite game of all time.

I played this game in 2nd grade and it changed everything. The music, the art, the entire aesthetic of this game influenced nearly all my tastes going forward. I am still enamored with this game's look. I do my best to return to this game once every couple years & that intro never ceases being cool.

I want to give it 5 stars, one of my all time favorite games, but I can't ignore some of the poor design choices near the back half of the game. But what an unforgettable experience.

My first Souls game, and the one that has always stuck with me. The continuous world that constantly expands & unfolds in front of you is the most impressive thing about this game. You actually feel like you are exploring a world, a nomad out by yourself. With every release in the series I always hope for them to go back to that continuous world, but I know they won't.

My favorite JRPG of all time.

Pure escapism.

While I think aspects of Persona 3 and Persona 5 are better than 4, I think 4 is ultimately the most consistent game in the series. The characters, the story, the gameplay, everything is compelling to the very end.

One of the greatest video game sequels period.

One of my all time favorites, I love nearly every detail of Portal 2.

How the hell to rate Minecraft?
It's like rating Tetris - its just a video game staple now.

One of my favorite games to return to when I want to just chill out, mine some wood, build a house. I never got deep with the logic stuff or the community.

Also - the alpha soundtrack is one of my favorite game soundtracks of all time.

Actually may be my favorite GTA (which I know is blasphemous to hardcore fans) but this may be one of few ones I actually finished.

Portal is one of those games you wish you could rewind time to experience it for the first time again. Before the cake memes, before you knew the secrets of Aperture Science. One of my personal favorite worlds and puzzle games of all time.

Breath of the Wild has some of the best exploration mechanics of all time. The world never stops being fun to traverse. My complaints for the game feel pretty in-line with a lot of people. I wish the game had decent side quests, I wish the game had actual dungeons and I wish the story was more full-filling. The exploration, art, and world are what carry this game.