Despite loving the first three Halos - I never had the chance to play ODST. Incredibly happy I finally went back to it.

I had been told so many times that ODST just feels different than any other Halo but I truly was not expecting smooth, ambient jazz to play while strolling smoky streets in the middle of the night. The entire atmosphere of ODST is special - at least for a Halo game.

The story is simple but still enjoyable - I actually prefer when Halo sticks to the basics with their story lines. Once things become a little too intrenched in lore , I'll often find myself disinterested. Sure - the characters are a little cheeseball & some of the down time between missions can be a bit dull - but ODST is still carried by that beautiful Halo combat & striking atmosphere.

It's truly a shame that this couldn't have been better.

Resident Evil 3 (the original) has never been my favorite game in the series - and I often feel like it get's shafted within the main series, but this Remake lacks a lot of the heart and soul of that original.

But even if you take context out of this, judge this game purely as singular experience - it still fall short. The story is rushed and cobbled together, Nemesis lacks bite, and the lack of ANY puzzles is truly disappointing for a RE game.

This game survives purely off it's shooting / looting mechanics. Its still incredibly fun to explore an area and clear it of items and enemies. While it is a shame that the game is still very linear despite taking place in sprawling city streets, I still think the areas themselves are fun to explore. The shooting mechanics are largely unchanged from RE2 Remake which is fine by me because I think RE2R is arguably the best playing game in the series. The new "dodge" roll seemed kind of needless until some of the later enemies - but it was nice to have either way.

This game lacks the heart and characters that were still present in the RE2 Remake, the story (especially Carlos) is poorly handled and Nemesis is truly boring - especially when compared to Mr. X.

A fun, bit-sized horror romp that ultimately doesn't totally live up to it's name.

Absolutely surprised by how many new mechanics Eternal throws at you. The game could have easily just been more of the first but ID legitimately takes some risks & almost all of them pan out.

The environments provide much more variety compared to the first game. It’s not just all industrial labs & hellscapes. The action is improved over the first game. So many mechanics to juggle, so many new systems to master. It can honestly be a little overwhelming during combat to remember everything at your disposal.

My only complaints come down the exploration aspect of the game. Don’t like how every secret is shown on the map (besides some Easter eggs). It robs you of truly poking around the world & it turns exploration into a simple check list. I also dislike how the secrets & pick ups are just giant glowing objects floating in the environment. It all looks like place holder assets.

Honestly the problems with RAGE 2 mirror it’s predecessor in so many ways. A completely lifeless open world, bland mission design, a dull story & a lot of technical issues on console. BUT the gunplay is extremely satisfying & the game never ceases being enjoyable despite its flaws.

If you want a fun shooter you can grind out while you listen to podcasts RAGE 2 is a great option.

Sleeping Dogs is more than the sum of its parts. It’s gameplay, open world structure, mission design & story are littered with cliches & tropes. None of them stand out as “excellent” on their own but they combine to make an exciting open world experience with a story that’s carried by its passionate characters. A part of me kind of wishes they committed to a completely gun-less design because the shooting is arguably the worst part of playing Sleeping Dogs. Still - there’s nothing outwardly terrible about the game & I found it incredibly enjoyable.

This game look like mud.

This game play like mud.

It gets an extra star for Aquatic Ambience - which is the best thing to come of Donkey Kong Country other that nightmare inducing animated series.

They made a documentary about a fckn flash game.


Another game you wish you could rewind time to play for the first time again. Before everyone knew the secrets behind the world of FEZ. On its surface FEZ is yet another endearing 16-bit platformer with an intriguing gimmick. But once it clicks - once the world’s seams begin to unwind - the scope and awe of FEZ hits you like no other.

One of my favorite horror games of all time, one of the few that actually terrified me when I was younger. A sequel that takes the incredibly intense mechanics from the first game but wraps them in a more engaging world and story.

Sure, some of the exploration is a little clunky but the this is one of those experiences that sticks with you long after playing.

A lot of people see Arkham Knight as the weakest in the Rocksteady trilogy but I couldn’t disagree more. While Knight doesn’t reach the same story highs as City - the open world structure is far more improved. Knight feels like a genuine great open world experience whereas City felt clunky and unrefined. Sure - the riddler stuff is still overblown and maybe you spend a tad too much time solving puzzles in the Batmobile but I think at its core - Knight is an improvement over City. And while the main-line story surrounding the Arkham Knight isn’t exactly compelling - the inner struggle with the Joker is actually incredibly well done.

Who the fuck doesn't wanna kick flip as Pumbaa??

It's cute and fun but honestly the controls feel so sloppy.

I’m not gonna say that this game isn’t impressive looking but can’t help but feel some of the original art direction & vision is missing from this Remake. With the color palette completely changing the game loosing some of that melancholy emptiness. I also think the more simple designs in the original added to that feeling. This is by no means a bad version of this game but in my opinion is much weaker than the PS3 port of the original.

I have a lot of love for this game - Metro + Bioshock but with time mechanics all wrapped up in a great B-movie.

Played the first episode drunk and could not stop laughing at the writing. I understand that it "gets better" but I think I'm just gonna leave my experience at that just one drunken night.