It's rare that a sequel this far removed from the original lives up to expectations but Psychonauts 2 doesn't miss a step. It still even has that PS2-era platformer charm that's so hard to replicate.

Navigating and moving through God of War's world is tedious and boring. Combat isn't expanded enough from the first game - encounters became so dull in the second half.

The beginning and the ending are both incredible but the story is all over the place for much of the experience. I wish the game was more linear - more focused.

2018's God of War was refreshing, the combat was so different from the other games, and the exploration was a welcome addition to the series. But the sharpness from the first game has dulled quite a lot. Nearly none of the issues from the first game were addressed.

I also still hate how combat difficulty is nearly entirely based on your player level - makes counquering bosses feel less satisfying.

Presentation wise - it excells in every aspect. And again the emotional story beats are done exceptionally well. I enjoyed the game - just wish it was buttoned up and shorter - i dont think the gameplay loop can sustain a 20+ hour experience.

Revisiting Bioshock 2 has convinced me it's the strongest title in the series.

It builds upon everything in the first game and it isn't crushed under the weight of lofty ambition like Infinite is. Sure, Rapture doesn't have the same impact as in the first game but the art direction is far stronger in the sequel.

I also feel that the story is the most consistent and full-filling out of the three games. I think Bioshock 1 has an amazing introduction, an incredible twist and a few memorable moments but the story is not what carries that game. And Infiite.... well ... it's ambition kills any luster the story had by the end.

I thought I was down for another Borderlands game but fuck man, the series is just spinning it’s wheels at this point.

Played for about 20 hours and decided that was enough.


Exploring Stray's beautifully put together world as a nimble little cat is truly wonderful. There's restraint & nuance in how Stray approaches story-telling & experiencing it as a cat allows leviaty in an otherwise pretty dark world.

It's a shame that Ghostwire's incredible atmosphere & sincere, intimate story are handicapped by techincal problems & awkward controls.

Some of the control issues are caused by the inconsistent framerate but I think it's many the stick dead-zone or acceleration. No matter how much I messed with the settings I could never get it to feel right. Still had a lot of fun with the exploration, its only in combat where these issues become frustrating.

The pure joy of swinging through NYC carries this game. The story’s twists are laughably convenient & feel completely forced. I really enjoy Miles as a character, way more than Peter, and I enjoyed his arch in the campaign, his growth feels earned.

I also feel like the combat is a little tedious. I never looked forward to encounters. The game is at its strongest when you’re out in the city, anytime you enter any building the controls and flow of the game just feel constrained.

Also enjoyed the brevity of the experience. It didn’t overstay its welcome.

I think Sekiro might be the best action game I have ever played.

The frist couple hours are rough, purely because you're getting used to the flow of combat. Combat that requires just as much patience as it does timing. But once you enter that zen-flow state with the mechanics, Sekiro becomes undenaible.

I kind of miss the age of PS2 style platformers. When games didn't feel the need to artificially extend their legnth with giant check-list open worlds & meaningless progression systems. Ratchet and Clank games are always an excellent reminder that not every AAA game needs to be 20+ hours.

A beautiful showcase for the PS5 even if the gameplay is largely unchanged from the other games in the series.

Keep seeing comments that Blood and Wine could be a contender for the best DLC/Expansion ever, which sounds hyperbolic but .... I honestly struggle to think of anything else that can compare to what Blood and Wine offers not only in content but also in quality of life changes.

You go from drunkingly chasing pigs at a wedding, to robbing a bank, to exploring a haunted house and then end up playing hide and seek with evil incarnate in HELL.


There's nothing quite like the METRO series and with Exodus, the stark, brutal triolgy ends with an emotional climax.

It's a shame that the seams of the world constantly show with stilted line delivery (even in it's native language), awkard animations & just general (if minor) visual bugs. Still, Metro impresses with it's stunning visuals, cruel gameplay, and a likeable cast of characters that provide the emotional payoff in the third act. Not to mention it's atmosphere is simply unmatched.

Even though parts of Exodus buckle under the weight of it's own lofty ambitions, it's still a harrowing experience unlike anything else.

Elden Ring is one of the best games I have ever played.

It recaptures of the magic of your first soulsbourne experience all while reinventing what the soulsbourne experience is. It's almost unbeleviable how enourmous the world of Elden Ring feels. Its takes the groundwork that BOTW laid and just busts wide open.

BOTW had some of the best open-ended exploration I had ever experienced in a game but where that game begain to fail was nearly everything outside of that exploration. The combat, story and dungeons in BOTW all felt like after thoughts compared to the world.

Nothing is an after thought in Elden Ring. The main story areas in the game are as impressive as the world itself. It has better quests than the previous soul games and the combat is still the true and tested FROMsoft design.

Places in Elden Ring feel like PLACES. The world feels like a WORLD.

I shelved this initially when it came out for Elden Ring and finally returned to it.

The world, art direction, music, combat and overall exploration are all excellent but the world of Horizon really lost its luster for me after the first game. Once the mystery of the world was gone, there wasn't much left for me to hold on to. I honestly think the characters and overall plot of this game is incredibly dull.

Fun to casually play though.