I did not expect to fuck with this game as much so much. All of the songs were a joy to play. I really appreciate them finally adding difficulties for replay value. I also heard that the amount of difficulties there are is insane. The presentation improved even more with the ps2 and its such an awesome sequel. This game is hip-hop.

one of the most interesting games I have ever played. The combat has Too much depth that it kind of hurts it for me in minor ways. Some stuff were pretty slow or outdated such as doing menu stuff in the game, but I still enjoyed the gameplay while I was learning more of its mechanics. The story is also pretty good, but I got lost on it a few times. If you are a hardcore fan of jrpgs, this is a game you should try out

I will return to this. despite it having its ups for sure, I am a bit disappointed of how it is at the moment. I am 60 hours in and although I like the gameplay, the story is pretty whatever even with me liking some of the characters in my party.
Edit: not sure when I will come back to this. The game isnt bad or anything, but I just dont care about it anymore. I was trying to play the game, but instead did something more productive like watching youtube videos with my friend. One of the more disappointing games I have played

I somehow got the platinum trophy. Don't judge me

I cant blame anyone if people think the rating is too high. I will admit its flawed for sure. From the little things such as the underwhelming crafting system to the bigger issues such asthe side quests not being so great either, but this was one of the most fun experiences I had with a game in a while. This is the first new mainline FF games to come out as a more new fan to the series and I love it. The characters are cool (Dion is the goat), the really good ost with songs like away and find your flame, and the satisfying gameplay. This game is awesome

this game is fun, but so god damn annoying at the same time. its super addicting and a lot of the boss fights are fun, besides a few...... but besides that, holy shit. that electric part of the game where megaman had a battery life or some shit was a calm honk shoo mimimi. The game felt like I had to save after every damn battle because god forbid you die after a good chunk of the game you progressed without saving. also, Escape only being tied to a chip is cringe as fuck and sometimes you are just not well equipped for unexpected fights and you just die for it. The amount of times I wanted to dropkick my monitor was very concerning, but funny enough I still had some fun with it.

played this with a friend yesterday and forgot how much I used to love games like this. I need to play more of these again

Getting time gated in progression while playing the same few songs unlocked was not fun at all. One energy per hour is pretty absurd. Hell, I saw that last year that it was 1 energy for 2 HOURS! They had some things I can get by like the exploring and interaction with some of the people of the station and getting new charts from it sometimes was fun. The only annoying thing about finding them is that they only unlocked 1 difficulty for the song and I have to get the others for some reason. Maybe I am a bit spoiled with how many songs the first Deemo has gave me, but I got pretty bored and it just felt like a chore to get back on. Unlocking the song packs feels slow and they are expensive where it feels like you have to buy it. They have a whole battle pass (permanent but still) and that is the main way I have been unlocking the songs in this game. The raw gameplay was fine, but the game sometimes hiccupped and lag. At least it was also nice enough for wireless headphone users to have a calibration setting which I appreciate a lot, especially when we are entering a new era of phones not putting the headphone jack in. Overall, pretty dissapointed with the game. Some of the songs were pretty cool though. I forgot about the worst part about this game.... you can only play it online....

This game excels on so many things that I was shook by the end of my playthrough. Its not my favorite final fantasy, but this is for sure in my opinion the best one. From the cast of characters, the villian, the music, the areas, the ending. I have enjoyed it all

this wouldve have been a 5 star if only the game wasnt giving me carpal tunnel/tendonitis. Other than that, gameplay was chill and the story was so much fun. The interactions between many of the characters are super great and its the highlight of the game for me. The multiplayer is also great last time I remembered playing it and this antagonist has got to be one of my favorites in a video game