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2 days ago

ZankRemes finished F-Zero GX
Revisiting a childhood game, and realizing the game has not only aged incredibly well, but it is significantly better than you remember may be one of the best feelings in the world. You always knew the game was great, but experiencing that greatness with a deeper appreciation for what makes it so great is like reaffirming your childhood memories. I thought this was one of the best arcade racing games ever made. And fortunately (and somewhat unfortunately) this still reigns true today. F-Zero GX is the peak of the series, and I think I get why Nintendo and Sega were so afraid to make a proper follow-up to it. It's hard to improve on perfection, without fundamentally changing it. What we were left with was Mario Kart 8.....for 10 years.

Rest in Piece F-Zero/10

3 days ago

ZankRemes is now playing Super Mario 64

5 days ago

ZankRemes finished The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D
My 3Ds blew up playing this game, so you know its peak.

I get why every LOZ after this had to add some sort of gimmick. When you nail so many things with the 3D adventure game formula on the first try, what else do you do? Nintendo settled for "make it a weird time loop game", "put in an ocean and a boat", "do it again but with a Wolf" and "add motion controls". In so many ways, OOT didn't just establish the Zelda formula, it is the Zelda formula. The music, the environments, the dungeon design, the story progression, the characters, the journey. OOT is THE defining game of the series. Yet, it barely scratches the surface of what Zelda is capable of being from a mechanical standpoint.

I finally get it, and I love OOT. It's not my favorite, but it IS video games. Or what video games have become. However, screw the Shadow Temple. It's lame, and barely a dungeon :).


5 days ago

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