Not my favorite Pokemon game, but REALLY damn close. Gen 5 is probably the best main-series Pokemon has looked to this day, and unlike BW's dismal Pokemon selection, B2W2's updated Unova dex is one of the best the series has ever seen. The pacing is good, the adventure's really nice, the side content's good, it's really just a model Pokemon game. (But certainly not the last good one, contrary to what fanboys might say.)

I actually really liked this one! I already liked Pokemon Moon, and this game is pretty much a straight upgrade of that. (Except the story, but c'mon, were you really playing POKEMON for the story?) The Pokemon selection especially is one of the best I've seen in a main-series Pokemon game, allowing you tons of freedom to mix up your team on repeat playthroughs. My one complaint would be that the game is WAY too handhold-y at the beginning (basically the first 2-3 hours are tutorial) and the new Ultra Warp Ride minigame is pretty awful. But overall, I think this game's really good and don't understand the hate for it.

The first Kirby game I remember playing, and still probably one of the best. The modes are all really unique and will run you a good amount of playtime, and the game's spritework looks really good, too. Add to that some stellar additions to an already really good Kirby game and you have easily one of the best games in the Kirby catalog.

Easily a top 3 2D platformer along with Meat Boy and Celeste IMO. The controls are tight, the level design is incredible, and the soundtrack might actually be the best in any game. (Seriously, David Wise is a mastermind.) The game even puts up a fight with a good number of the required levels being decently challenging (and the KONG levels, while probably my least favorite part of the game due to the lack of checkpoints, are actually REALLY tough). I do kinda wish you could play as the other Kongs in singleplayer without having to unlock Hard Mode, but regardless, this is one of the best games Nintendo's ever put out and easily the best game on the Wii U.
...what do you mean it's not on the Wii U?

Surprisingly fun platformer with really charming visuals and an absolute BANGER of a soundtrack. 100%ing it's really fun too, and I loved unlocking skins for the Yoshis based on different Nintendo consoles. If it weren't for Tropical Freeze, I'd be willing to call this the best game on the Wii U.

Soundtrack bumps this game up an entire star for me. The gameplay's not necessarily anything to write home about, but that soundtrack WILL blow your ears into another dimension.

I dunno how accurate it is to call this game a "Gems" collection, but regardless, Sonic Gems Collection is a good way of experiencing some of Sonic's back catalog. I really like Sonic CD, and while R and The Fighters are dubious at best, I've had more than enough fun with both to the point that I consider Sonic R a guilty pleasure of mine. I personally like all the games on here, but if you're looking to play just the "good" ones, maybe just play Sonic CD.

This was my first Luigi's Mansion game, and coming into the series only knowing a little about the first game, I thought this one was fine. The floors are all gorgeous and super unique, even if some of the best-looking ones only amount to glorified boss arenas. The puzzles are fun for the most part, and Gooigi's an interesting way of introducing variety to the gameplay. It does run kind of short and certain sections like the Polterkitty sequences where you'll be backtracking to previous floors for some arbitrary reason come off as padding, so it might not justify a $60 pricetag, but the game's at least fun and that's I think what matters most.

Sometimes you just need a comfy game to unwind after a tough day, or week, or year, and for me, Epic Yarn is that game. It practically plays itself, but I'm not playing Kirby if I want a tough time anyway. The visuals are super charming, and the soundtrack makes me feel some kinda way. A fun game if you're not looking for a challenge.

This game was fun! The minigames are awesome (except the Donkey Kong one, fuck that) and I especially loved playing the co-op ones with friends. Too bad this game's stuck in Gamepad Hell and will probably never be rereleased...

The main adventure is really fun, but the game loses points for me due to the side content being MISERABLE to pursue and the game being really short if you ignore that stuff. Also they removed the speed boost you get from doing a slide jump for some reason, making Crash feel slightly less good to control here than in N-Sane Trilogy in my opinion. But all in all, really solid experience.

I know most people would probably rate this game lower, but I think Star Allies is fun. The main adventure's woefully short, but there are also like, two other campaigns besides and they added so much to the game after its launch that I honestly think made it good. Also, I mean, I can play as Gooey in this game. That immediately makes it great.

A timeless classic in the beat-em-up genre. It's simply a joy to string together a bunch of midair combos on a group of 4 enemies and gaining a ton of XP from it. If you have a friend who's willing to shell out 15 bucks for this game, then it's even more fun just for the co-op value.

Do you like big games with a lot of content to sink your teeth into? Play this game.
Do you like story-driven games with rich narratives that draw the player into the world? Play this game.
Do you like unique games with a distinct charm and diverse mechanics that are fun to learn and use? Play this game.
Do you like action games? Play this game.
Do you like artsy games? Play this game.
Do you like games with great soundtracks? Play this game.
Do you like dogs? Play this game.
In short, play this game.

Criminally underrated TBH. This is a game that desperately deserves more attention. In some ways, I'd even call it mind-blowing. For its relatively short runtime, this is a game that really sticks with you after you finish it. If you're in the mood for a Mario & Luigi-esque RPG in the current year, this game will scratch that itch and then some.