I feel like i need to be in a cubicle with a monitor covered in sticky notes to play this

Are we gonna ignore that Yacht Club just worked with some dudes game and slapped Shovel Knight on it doe

Encouraged me to organize my manga shelf! I have the first volume of Chainsaw Man and thats it

You cant just make 2 separate games and expect me not to constantly worry about them when im playing either one

this game employs psychological warfare in that the first person pov gives me vertigo

watched vinny play this day 1. at one point he was 3 pixels away from an enemies sprite and took damage. he hesitated for a moment after it happened.

No joke if youre an artist tired of video essays or your old playlists, pick up this game and play it while drawing

the knight designs fuck way harder than they have any right to

The only shovel knight game where your workers unionize

sadly being an asshole is very easy

Ive cut through the cycle of life and death and gave these suckers a shortcut

Simultaneously makes me feel like a mad genius and a mad idiot all at once

making 10 year olds say ass out of nowhere is the funniest thing

The last stag being designed after a rhinoceros beetle made me avoid this game for a solid 5 years

reinforces my belief that birds are evil and dont like you