This is, by all technicalities, a quirky indie RPG about depression

Ultrakill feels like it was developed entirely in one night by a dude who snorted a bunch of cocaine, kept saying "you know what would be really sick?" and was right every time

You can pinpoint the exact moment this goes from a genuinely great shitpost game to some dude's edgy touhou fanfic and that is the exact moment it becomes terrible

Hyper-realism and its consequences have been a disaster for the videogame medium

This isn't even a game, it's a scheme that an unfortunate amount of people have fallen for

It's like if a video game was made entirely by a sentient skateboard

Grown adults try desperately to write believable teenagers and constantly fall flat on their faces: the video game

At first I thought my life was a Super Lesbian Animal Tragedy, now I realize it's a Super Lesbian Animal Comedy

Asks the bold question, "what if open world games were fun"

david cage you've done it again

Why did you guys never tell me about this game wtf

you don't have the right, o you don't have the right
therefore you don't have the right, by the way you don't have the right


What an absolutely brilliant game. Fantastic characters both in headspace and out, with fun turn-based combat and some of the best emotional writing I have ever seen not just in games, but in media.


you ain't from Michigan if you never done this befo