Did not expect a game featuring The Chowder Man to make me cry

Are you prepared for your judgement, FUNNYMAN?

adding "LeBron James main with a Superman secondary" to my twitter bio

This game is such total bullshit

I think this game would be good if it wasn't bad

There's like half of a really awesome game in here

Literally no idea what this was actually about but the vibes were pretty great


I really shouldn't like this as much as I do. The combat sucks, the environments are very same-y, and the resource management aspect is pretty half-baked. But dammit I absolutely adored the relationship between the two main characters. It's extremely rare that relationships in video games feel like anything more than fan-service or non-essential window dressing, but the dynamic between Yu and Kay is just so sweet and genuine and the entire experience is centered around it. The best parts of the game were just them hanging out and doing normal stuff, and I've never seen a game truly commit to showing that aspect of relationships. It's not the greatest game ever, but there are so many moments that I found myself with the dumbest smile on my face, and that's all I can really ask for from a game like this.

This is one of the stupidest games I've ever played and it's fucking excellent

My life is like a video game
Trying hard to beat stage
All while I am still collecting coins

It's like if a video game was made entirely by a sentient skateboard


Bro it's just like dark souls bro it's just like dark souls

It's funny for a little bit but yeah I feel like I wasted my money on this

I'll have one Travis Scott Burger