Played with my ex-girlfriend like every day for two weeks. Amazing game but unfortunately I can’t really go back.

Surprisingly holds up. I really like the city differences but the deaths can be crazy punishing.

Best MW reboot campaign (first one with actual geographic and political understanding, and no racism!) Multilayer is the only playable reboot, and zombies is… fine? It’s weird and different but kind of fun.

Amazing follow up to BO’s campaign, with the best multiplayer the series as ever offered. The zombies is REALLY 50/50 but a good time.

Best campaign, fun but simple multiplayer and the best collection of new zombies.

Honestly compelling story with the weirdest choice ever to make Troy Baker silent in the actual levels. Multiplayer changed CoD for the better imo, and the Zombies is uhhhh terrible.

Remedy straight up has a stranglehold on my final straw being lost on modern games.

I hate remakes I say while giving this shit a 9/10.

I really fuck with this being a like interactive movie basically. Why the hell does Silent Hill: Ascension have to exist it was made 14 years ago...

Peak Fighter 6... wow Mortal Kombat is dead to me.

Auteur fiction in game form... literally a perfect story with great escape sections and maybe a bullshit puzzle or two. Shout out to my girlfriend for helping me with math because I'm a dyscalculic bitch!

You could’ve had Alpha 3 MAX and the final 3 (realistically 2) versions of SFII and it’d be perfect. Can’t speak for the dead multiplayer netcode though.

Like it’s good. I think it looks a bit weird but the character design is great. The story gets a bad wrap tbh, it’s very Street Fighter. Idk, I don’t have a lot of strong opinions on this one. I like it!