Some of the worst questing and gameplay I’ve ever experienced in an RPG.

Was 2014 really that bad a year that this garbage won game of the year awards? I need to get to the bottom of this so let me send Leliana to investigate, will hear back in 5 hours.

I was engrossed in this one sisters! Hekki ALLMO 🙏

Very interesting walking sim with a tight narrative full of themes that are explored in interesting ways. If you're like me and enjoy a good story and running around talking to everyone in between plot tasks for more lore, then this is for you.

If there's anything that would stick out as a complaint, it would be the voice acting, which can be a bit hit and miss at times.

Highly recommend if you're in the market for a good sci-fi story.

I don’t give a fuck how cringe the story and characters are this game is so much fun to fuck around in.

Need the hacker phone in real life NOW.

A beautiful turd.

Around 15 hours of this, and I am BORED. It started off decent enough. I like the idea of liberating and rebuilding a world, but there's not much depth there, and i'm feeling like i've seen pretty much everything this game has to offer. 

Where the game does have some depth though, are the customization options for building and programming units. Lots of options to experiment with there. If you're purely into that kind of thing, then this might be for you.

It's not enough for me though. If the story and characters were at least decent, I might stick with it longer, but i'm not engaged in Alain and friends vs the evil mind control Empire.

Anyways, real pretty to look at. Mid.

Revisited this for their first season. First and last I think. 

The main attraction of playable Joker is locked behind grinding, and the content just isn't varied or interesting enough to unlock him; nevermind continue playing with him. 

I could maybe have forgiven the bland content if there was some kind of mini campaign story to spice it up, but there's none of that. 

Unless they improve these seasons, I can't see this surviving. Oh well! I still had a decent time with the OG game.

This was excellent. I thoroughly enjoyed it from start to finish. There were a couple of moments that I felt were a drag, but they didn't take away from the overall experience.

Gorgeous to look at, listen to (the soundtrack doesn't have a single miss), and play.

Plot and character wise, it felt like a reunion with old friends and the spark is still there after all these years. Love and care went into this world and its characters. Emotional moments still hit hard, and the weird, campy moments are still just as weird and campy. There are some fun followups for some of the new side characters introduced in the first part. If you recently played the first part, Rebirth follows it very nicely. As for main plot additions, they were interesting, especially the ending. I'm sure it's not for everyone, but I think it sets up the third part in intriguing ways.

The battle system just fucks. It's always a blast and everyone is fun to play as. Open world gameplay wise I thought it was very competent; I don't think it's as overly bloated with busy work like some open worlds, and for the most part, all the content adds something lore wise. Side quests were an improvement over the first part. They have some nice character moments.

So yeah, I loved this. I haven't been this enthralled with a FF since X so keep it up Square Enix.

This shit kinda fun when you ain't got a bitch in your ear telling you it sucks every 5 minutes.

Absolutely nothing groundbreaking, but I don't think it's as terrible as people are saying (people saying Gotham Knights was better are filthy liars).

Will I stick with it for it's live service lifespan? I don't know, it's fun to play with a group for a little mindless grind so I can see myself jumping on to try out new characters.

These middle aged losers are my family and I would die for them.

It just fucks, it's peak, play it.

Weird ass game, that shouldn't really work as a game, but somehow it does. The core gameplay loop is really addicting and rewarding, and the online elements add a nice sense of community (I became obsessed with building roads, and it was always a nice little buzz every time I'd log on and get a bunch of likes from other players using them).

The story is weirdly paced at times due to the open world format, but I was engaged none the less. It's a fun story to uncover, especially as you progress and unlock more in-game archives. Great performances by the cast. Nice music aswell (when it's used).

I wish I played this during lockdown; I know it hit extra hard during all that.

Twin Peaks from Shein.

It has some inventive and visually stunning moments, but I'm not feeling the actual game part; I'm very bored. Tiresome combat and far too many moments that just remove you from the experience (Saga's mind place is a fun idea, but I don't think it works).

Horror elements fall flat with it's over-reliance on jump scares; they kill any hint of atmosphere for me. I feel like I'm watching The Nun.

We're done here! 2 and a half stars! Honestly, it deserves 2 stars for being digital only; it's a perfect throw it on Ebay game for me, but I fear this is the sad future of games, so no point in being old man yells at cloud about it.

Slayda Wong you will always be famous!

They really trusted these hacks with Silent Hill 2 it's so over.

Best battle and job system in the series, you CANNOT change my mind.

Yuna saved the world and rewarded herself with an adventure with her besties to find her boyfriend. It's camp. Don't take it so seriously and get into it.

Pure unapologetic fun. I don't know what more to say.