Wow the story is such a huge step down compared to Spider-Man PS4, was it written by a 16 years old kid? Miles is basically a young Peter Parker pretending to be black and the other characters are forgettable at best. This definitely doesn't have enough content or additions to justify full price, it's short even for a stand-alone DLC. The gameplay was just more of the same, except for the swinging which improved a lot, so I still had a lot of fun. Going to have like 80 hours on this cause I'll come back every couple of weeks to swing around until Spider-Man 2 comes out.

Good game overall, although it's a shame that the combat becomes absolutely garbage for a while after the "volcano event". The bosses are mostly trash; this combat system is so fun against normal enemies but it's clearly not made for boss fights, so why is the game filled with them? All of them are 90% R1/RB spam and 10% of trying to hit, now try to play that with all your stats lowered.
Rice farming is very tedious at the beginning but gets more "fun" as you progress, the game is generally not well paced.
The story is pretty decent for an anime game, but the game overall is too slow at the beginning and way too long.
Good starting point for a better polished sequel.

I will never forgive Atul for not giving me his scene at the everdoor

I fully expected to hear obnoxious meta jokes over and over, but this wasn't the case. The dialogues are mostly just decent but there's a lot of funny lines. The gameplay is really fun, nothing groundbreaking but I was never bored while shooting and exploring. There's just two main problems I had with it; there's little to no variety of enemies throughout the whole game and there's a lot of bugs (mostly stuff that can be fixed with patches). Luckily I didn't found anything game-breaking, just annoying little glitches. Overall it's a good game and a nice change of pace, people here giving low scores because "the jokes are cringe" are just pretentious

Vaas is so overrated. I can't believe that grown ass men are still idolizing him. Cringe ass "look at me i'm so crazy" character.

Honestly the game offers one thing, and it does it badly. The movement is not satisfying at all. The only redeemable part is that it looks pretty

Apart from the incredibly long and boring prologue, the game becomes super fun once you start unlocking new weapons and powers.
The loop system isn't complicated at all but following the story and completing some of the puzzles is way too hard tbh.
Overall good game but definitely the weakest among the modern Arkane games, I'll wait for Dishonored 3.

If you genuinely hate this story you're straight up stupid and childish. There's a shit ton of grown men that keep searching for dumb reasons to prove that the story is bad only because they didn't get to kill the murderer of their favorite character. Pathetic.


Great art direction ruined by trash combat and an embarrassing checkpoint system. Wish this was just a horror puzzle game where you could walk around and enjoy the world... And you can't even give the devs the merit for the art since it's all been copied and pasted from Giger

The new engine is great for walking around and entering stores without loadings, but the combat is kinda lame and isn't nearly as deep as Yakuza 0 and Kiwami 1. Also the story gets really stupid towards the end, apparently everyone is a Korean Mafia member

I don't mind playing a generic open world game like this every once in a while. Way better than the first one obviously and San Francisco is pretty

The zoo gets way out of hand too quickly, it went from being relaxing to stressful in just a couple of hours. Meh

Very "unnecessary". Since I'm not a 14 years old girl, I'm not particularly interested in teen romances with cute dialogues. The whole thing feels like a way for Naughty Dog to milk the huge success of the base game. Given that a part of the money probably went into the budget for The Last of Us Part 2 I'm definitely not complaining.

30 fps felt like 5 at best, huge delay and 0 valuable support after launch other than broken characters that ruin the game for everyone that didn't buy them. Imagine if the game was made by a competent game developer...