53 Reviews liked by alaskanwitch

i have vivid memories of watching lowres lets plays of this game on youtube circa 2006-7 at my local library on the weekends because we were too poor to have internet at home lol

Ignore my previous review guys my evil twin brother wrote it. This game is great and it is far from outdated.

Seven minutes. Seven minutes is all I can spare to play with you.

I’m going to start by saying that this game’s art style and direction was fantastic, while I do love the more darker Zelda’s, this is still an amazing Zelda and an amazing game overall. I can say that if you’re hesitant to play this because of the art style, you’re really missing out.




Forgot to rate this game but I recently played it again through a fan-made Unreal version online and it is still as amazing and terrifying. This is still top-tier horror, my only gripe being that some of the puzzles are insanely difficult to figure out on your own, otherwise easily the best and scariest horror experience you can play.


What could’ve possibly have happened for the balancing to be this horrendous. Not only that but the charm of the original has been significantly dumbed down. It’s at least stylish and keeps the gameplay somewhat so I still think it’s fine, but it’s a pretty big downgrade.


Why did they take the cell shaded art design and make it into a basic Unreal engine assets filled clunk of a game. Really fucking disappointed in this, could’ve been something unique and fresh, bringing back the franchise but in the end just fell flat on its face. The game is at least faithful in Grave and the gameplay.


Saw this in a bunch of ads and tried it, it's kinda boring though. If you want this type of game but better, just play War Thunder.


I like Risk as a board game, this is still fine but I just personally prefer the real thing.

I really do not get the hype for this game. I get that kids love it and whatever, but truth be told, kids are idiots. I played a little bit of this game on my Switch, got bored and rightly fucked off to better games. The only positive is that the game is free and available on literally everything at this point. It's like the Battle Royale version of Skyrim, except less memorable.



alexa, play 'try again' by aaliyah

for some reason i have play this more then the real minecraft

this game is so dsbm its extremely clunky but who cares im an edgelord!!