Not a bad game, but I think the V feels better.

Great game, but don't play without the DLCs

Three great games, I think the second one may be a bit weaker but overall what a good trilogy.

Good short puzzle game, but forgettable, and I don't like the DA.

Great game. Some compelling characters, even tho the dialogues can be a bit cheesy at times. Great gameplay and I like the overall story, has a great DA and the best UI ever, with a great OST.

Best FMV I ever played by a landslide, I need to test Immortality tho.

Really tried to like it, but I couldn't.

Surely a good game if you played it on release, but it aged poorly, Bad UI, not a great pixel art, and not well rhythmed. I think that modern rogue likes/lites have made it obsolete.

This game has a great combat system and is beautiful, but the story is so boring and taking so much time, waste of what could have been a great game.

Not finished, but the only AAA open world game I didn't drop in sub 1h, great game, will come back to it later.

The entire difficulty of this game is based on the clunky controls. Not great

Short walking simulator, but a great one.

Great characters and overall story, touched me on a pretty deep level.

The controls are awful, I HATE the jump. Would not recommend.

Not finished at all, but really addictive, one of the best Rogue Like/Lite out there.